She's not qualified, he's not qualified, who is qualified?

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The Bern n Hill show getting violent. Both are claiming the other is not qualified to be president. Bernie has more balls, he says it. Hillary kind of implies so she can't be held to account. So who was the most qualified candidate? According to the Clinton team, Hillary is the most qualified candidate in this century. Really? Only 16 years in and she is the best. Don't they have any faith in Hillary to go for a century or a few decades? Here's what they're up against; in 1992 the GOP ran for president a man who had recieved the US Navy's second highest award for valor, a man who served as a Congressman, a man was served as ambassador to China, a man who headed the CIA, a man who served as the Vice President, and a man who was the sitting president; George H. W. Bush. Both Bill and Hillary called this many unqualified. Karma is a bitch.
Anybody but HILAHAG/2016...

Hey, I think ole Bernie is getting close to to saying,....."do you people really want a lying, money grubbing cunt as your President".
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-07-2016, 06:24 PM
The Bern n Hill show getting violent. Both are claiming the other is not qualified to be president. Bernie has more balls, he says it. Hillary kind of implies so she can't be held to account. So who was the most qualified candidate? According to the Clinton team, Hillary is the most qualified candidate in this century. Really? Only 16 years in and she is the best. Don't they have any faith in Hillary to go for a century or a few decades? Here's what they're up against; in 1992 the GOP ran for president a man who had recieved the US Navy's second highest award for valor, a man who served as a Congressman, a man was served as ambassador to China, a man who headed the CIA, a man who served as the Vice President, and a man who was the sitting president; George H. W. Bush. Both Bill and Hillary called this many unqualified. Karma is a bitch. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
GHWB was the last major candidate who WAS qualified.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hey, I think ole Bernie is getting close to to saying,....."do you people really want a lying, money grubbing cunt as your President". Originally Posted by Jackie S
lol. the problem with that is the alternative is a socialist old coot. to be honest i'd take the socialist old coot over HildeWhore any day. that is .. if that's my only choice.

It's not.
BigLouie's Avatar
Hell WTF is more qualified than either of them
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Hell WTF is more qualified than either of them Originally Posted by BigLouie
if you mean HildeWhore or Bernie, i'd agree with that.

doesn't mean i'd vote for him either.
GHWB was the last major candidate who WAS qualified. Originally Posted by Old-T
Yeah, he was qualified to run an oligarchical zoo, and that's what we still have going on today.

Pitfall's Avatar
Sanders saying Clinton is "unqualified" was taken out of context by the media (shocking!). He wasn't talking about her resume. His point was that she is unqualified because she is beholden to the corporations that are financing her campaign.
Sanders saying Clinton is "unqualified" was taken out of context by the media (shocking!). He wasn't talking about her resume. His point was that she is unqualified because she is beholden to the corporations that are financing her campaign. Originally Posted by CatPee
It goes even deeper than that. Clinton isn't qualified to serve as POTUS because she's a liar and a chronic deceiver. The clip below shows what Ret. Navy Seal thinks of her.

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-08-2016, 03:20 PM
Yeah, he was qualified to run an oligarchical zoo, and that's what we still have going on today.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
So what do you think the qualifications should be?
So what do you think the qualifications should be? Originally Posted by Old-T
Qualifications for President are as follows. Must be a Natural Born citizen, At least 35 years old and have resided in the United States for at least fourteen years. George H. Bush had those basic qualifications as any of our past presidents. So he certainly wasn't the last president who was qualified as you had put it. I never insinuated he wasn't qualified in the basic sense.

  • DSK
  • 04-08-2016, 09:52 PM
Hell WTF is more qualified than either of them Originally Posted by BigLouie
You think an anonymous Houston luxury home builder who was banned from this board is more qualified than Bernie or Hillary?

You might be right!!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So what do you think the qualifications should be? Originally Posted by Old-T
Honesty. #1. Lover of the Constitution as a static, not living document. A commitment to freedom and individual responsibility. Willing to say "no" to wars against countries and enemies who do not pose a clear and present danger to the US. Committed to enacting a clear, simple and understandable tax system. A commitment to spending no more than what taxes are collected, and begin to pay down the debt. A commitment to eliminate regulations stifling the creation of alternative energy sources. Release the Tesla papers. Legalize drugs. End the stupid war on drugs. Promote industrial hemp and bamboo. End all forms of corporate welfare. End the FED. Repeal the 16th and 17th Amendments. Appoint judges and justices who are committed to originalist interpretation. Reduce the cabinet to only the Departments of State, Defense, and Treasury. Disburse all remains departments and agencies to the states, or to the people. After the selection of Senators is returned to state legislatures, increase the number of representatives in the House to 1500, distributed proportionally. Leave all interactions among people alone, except in the case where a person(s) life, liberty or property is in danger from another through force or fraud.

And on his/her second day . . .
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
What are the qualifications? In the private sector we don't set the bar so low. 35 years old, natural born citizen, lives in this country for the last few years....nothing in there about not being a felon or child molester. No, we add those qualifications from common sense. Imagine looking for a new CEO of a Fortune 500 company and the bar was that low. Hell, WTF and ASSUP would show up for the interview (though someone might have to fill out the application for ASSUP).

For president;

intelligence (not the smartest kid in the class mind you): We have had some pretty good presidents with less than stellar college (if they had college) scores. We need a kind of creative, insightful intelligence in the Oval Office.

Humility: A president should realize that they are only a caretaker and not the owner of the country. Like a doctor, they should do no harm. Remaking the country should be off the table and anyone who claims that as a goal should be shown the door. The country will remake itself without help from Washington, thank you very much.

A solid understanding of the Constitution: It is still the law of the land and the playbook by which government is supposed to operate from. If you don't know the rules (and obey them) how can you play the game?

Character: I'm going to include honesty, self knowledge, and morality under this one qualification. It's not just the knowledge of the rules but the willingness to submit to those rules. There are at times a necessity to go around the rules but a president should present his (or her) case to the people and take the punishment (if any) for the infractions.

Common sense: This is hard to categorize but if you see it then you know it. If you want to get some strange pussy while in power, go for it but understand, no spies, no foreign opperatives, no wives of kings, and anything else that stupid. Don't make it a habit and if you're caught, just admit to it and move on. Don't put national security secrets on servers that have little if no security on them. Don't abuse the office with costly travel arrangements for the fun of it. (We're paying for this plane Mr. President). If a situation demands your attention then stay away from the golf course, vacations, or parties until the situation is resolved. Don't put your wife, brother, or close relative in charge of something important. It is a rare individual who can deal with family members who screw up.