Let's Talk Personalities

Sanguine/Phlegmatic with a large dose of Choleric - I prefer to just have fun and enjoy everyone and everything - but I do treat my whole life as kind of a business...and I do take charge...

As far as customers - I love a dominant man who takes charge and knows what he wants....I also take great pleasure in taking the pocket protector out of the pocket, loosening the tie, and totally disshevelling the perfectionistic man. Both scenarios are equally enjoyable...and of course with a like mind I have fun and he has fun and we never stop laughing...I get along with most types...as long as they can get along with me!!!!
That's true so I guess I am schitso!! I am one person in the hobby, another around friends, and a total nun around my family. Originally Posted by London Rayne
I think you mean to compare yourself to someone with Dissociative Identity Disorder, not someone with schizophrenia. Speaking of which, my need to post this provides evidence that:

Melancholy: Perfectionist, usually accountants or engineers, "if you can't do it right don't do it at all

might be my dominant personality.

London, you know I love you, yes?
Im with Amusemeant. I get along well with Type A clients. Masculine, dominant, self assured, organized, decisive.

I dont think Id want to be married to a guy like that though He'd drive me crazy. Id prefer to date a guy who is more like myself... Laid back, easy going, no stress, and doesnt go ape-sh*t if there are dirty dishes in the sink.
pyramider's Avatar
EA, you forgot to add the multiple personality to your original posting selection.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
No I didn't. That's why it said 4 "basic" types. Aren't we all to a degree multiple personality types lol