Who do ya got? PA GOP Primary for Senate

berryberry's Avatar
PA Primary is now a 3-way tie between Oz, Barnette, and McCormick. Who are you voting for and why?

berryberry's Avatar
Me - Fuck OZ - Hell no. Not sure who gave Trump advice to endorse this Rino idiot, but huge mistake by Trump here

Dave McCormick is the most well qualified, he is a lifelong conservative, former military, hugely successful businessman. He is my choice with one qualification.

If it appears Barnette has a better chance of beating OZ - I may vote for Barnette instead. Just to make sure Oz loses. My worry with her is she is very poorly funded to deal with the general election against that moron Fetterman. But at the same time Oz and McCormick have beat each other up giving asswipe Fetterman ammunition while Barnette has been kind of unnoticed
bambino's Avatar
The Oz endorsement is a head scratcher. My theory is Trump and Oz spent many years observing the Hollywood cult. Mebbe Oz told Trump he was willing to expose them. Oz did mention sex trafficking by big tech at the rally. I dunno. I thought Trump would endorse Sands. Both Oz and McCormick have the juice to win in the general. I haven’t made up my mind yet.
lustylad's Avatar
If it appears Barnette has a better chance of beating OZ - I may vote for Barnette instead. Originally Posted by berryberry
Just saw her on TV this morning. I didn't even know she was running. What an amazing life story she has to tell. She seems poised and level-headed. Don't know where she stands on every issue, but simply having a pro-life black female Republican running for the US Senate is bound to make dim-retard heads explode!

Hmm... military vet, taught corporate finance, worked in financial services, what's not to like?
bambino's Avatar
It will come down to Oz and Barnette. I thought she did really well in the debate. McCormick is fading. Trump said Toomey was more MAGA than McCormick. But if we don’t fix 2020, Shapiro will be our Governor and Fetterman will be our new Senator.
bambino's Avatar
The Oz endorsement is a head scratcher. My theory is Trump and Oz spent many years observing the Hollywood cult. Mebbe Oz told Trump he was willing to expose them. Oz did mention sex trafficking by big tech at the rally. I dunno. I thought Trump would endorse Sands. Both Oz and McCormick have the juice to win in the general. I haven’t made up my mind yet. Originally Posted by bambino
... Surely agree-with everything Bambino said.
Sands is the BEST of all, but she won't make the final.

Maybe Trump knows what He's doing with Dr. OZ - and maybe not.

Not quite sure Barnette has enough backing to beat Fetterman
or whom-ever gets the Dems's nod.

### Salty
berryberry's Avatar
I agree Lusty - a pro-life black female Republican running for the US Senate is bound to make dim-retard heads explode

I think it's still a 3 way race but Trump is out of his mind endorsing OZ. And Trump is wrong about McCormick. This is where Trump's ego and holding grudges steers him wrong. He is just pissed that McCormick turned down a job in his cabinet. Trump considered naming McCormick the U.S. Secretary of Treasury, but instead offered him the position of U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense. McCormick declined because he was happy with what he was doing.

In early 2019, Trump again considered McCormick for U.S. Secretary of Defense before choosing Esper. So if Toomey was more MAGA than McCormick, then why did Trump try to hire McCormick and consider him for such high profile roles?

Trump is just pissed McCormick declined. That is the one bad side of Trump - his ego and he holds grudges

Sorry but no way in hell I vote for Oz - now or likely not in November if he wins the primary. I prefer McCormick but will vote Barnette if need be - depending which of the two have the best shot of keeping RINO Oz out. Right now it appears Barnette may have the momentum
berryberry's Avatar
https://twitter.com/RichardGrenell/s...2TLHblZM8ZwZDg Originally Posted by bambino
Read the responses under his Tweet - virtually all are Anti-OZ. No one likes the guy
bambino's Avatar
Read the responses under his Tweet - virtually all are Anti-OZ. No one likes the guy Originally Posted by berryberry
I read them. I just threw it out there. Trump certainly knows what he’s doing. He knows far more than we do about things. Everything he does has meaning. He went 55/0 last month. But I’m still not sold on Oz. I won’t vote for McCormick. I happened to run into Clarise Schillinger last Saturday. She’s running for Lt Governor. A very cool and smart lady. Check her out.

She was with Trump at Mara Largo and at the rally in Greensburg. She’s confused about the Oz endorsement. But she doesn’t like McCormick either. She’s pulling for Barnette.

I haven’t made a decision yet. I’ll keep digging. At this point, I’m not sold on Oz.

But, as I said in a previous post, if Pa doesn’t clean up the fraud and corruption, a true conservative will never win in Pa. They may throw us a bone and let an approved RINO win.
If Oz wants to be a senator, he should be running in his home state of New Jersey. Don't like what I am hearing about McCormick. Barnette is whom I am leaning to, I just worry about her being able to beat Fedderman. I have been hearing a lot about how he cleaned up Braddock(though when I worked there several yrs. ago, I didn't see much improvement). I agree with what Bam stated.
I was pretty high on McCormick but I love the idea of having a black female. I’m not trying to insult anyone but a lot of the libs I know do not realize that not all black people think the same. They are very diverse. It would be nice to showcase to them that Biden was wrong when he said voting for trump instead of him meant “you ain’t black”. That’s so offensive on so many levels.
snoopy75's Avatar
If you don't vote for Kathy, you're a white supremacist. That's how this works now, right?
berryberry's Avatar
I read them. I just threw it out there. Trump certainly knows what he’s doing. He knows far more than we do about things. Everything he does has meaning. He went 55/0 last month. But I’m still not sold on Oz. I won’t vote for McCormick. I happened to run into Clarise Schillinger last Saturday. She’s running for Lt Governor. A very cool and smart lady. Check her out.

She was with Trump at Mara Largo and at the rally in Greensburg. She’s confused about the Oz endorsement. But she doesn’t like McCormick either. She’s pulling for Barnette.

I haven’t made a decision yet. I’ll keep digging. At this point, I’m not sold on Oz.

But, as I said in a previous post, if Pa doesn’t clean up the fraud and corruption, a true conservative will never win in Pa. They may throw us a bone and let an approved RINO win. Originally Posted by bambino
I think Trump is pretty in tune on a lot of things but I really don't think he is fully in tune with respect to endorsements. I know there was one race in TN he endorsed a member of the swamp he knew instead of a America First MAGA guy.

And to be honest his 55/0 mark is deceptive as in many cases he waited and endorsed someone who already was the frontrunner. Now in some cases like JD Vance his endorsement did make a difference

I will start a different thread on the PA Governors race. I really have not paid attention to the Lt Governor options

I do agree PA needs to clean up voter fraud and corruption - which is why the PA Gov race will also be very important - as libtard Shapiro embraced and encouraged the fraud in 2020. Anyway I will start a new thread on the Governors race to keep the two separate
berryberry's Avatar
I was pretty high on McCormick but I love the idea of having a black female. Originally Posted by Loretta77
Yeah - I know one of the founders of Freemarket - where McCormick made his initial big $. He is very conservative and speaks highly of McCormick. Alas it appears for whatever reason he has not gained traction like he should - probably from him and Oz beating each other up for months in ads. So unless that changes in the next week, I am probably going for Barnette

I have been worried if she would have enough funding to go up against asswipe Fetterman - but because the race will have national implications, I am thinking now she will have plenty of funding available if she is the candidate