Provider carring a gun?

Notjodaddy's Avatar
I just came across a post wherein a provider here in the Kansas City area claims to be carrying a firearm whenever she can, I assumed that meant during appointments, And further states that she would have no problem using it.

This could be just paranoid ramblings but in my opinion warranted a heads up

I'm new here and unsure about whether or not put her name out
You mean me? I carry a gun everywhere the law allows it, have for years.As a 5' woman who does a lot of highway driving, and having grown up around guns like some people grow up around tennis rackets, it's just second nature. I have also never felt the need to even get near it and have almost forgotten it several times.

I'm sorry if my refusal to be a victim scares you. It
doesn't matter if I have a gun or a Tazer or nunchucks or bug spray or a lamp, I will absolutely defend myself should the need arise. Again, I have NEVER *knocks wood* had an incident that made me even ask anyone to leave, so all the GENTLEMEN here are perfectly safe.
Notjodaddy's Avatar
Thank you, your safety is important but so is mine. What could possible go wrong with are paranoid person carrying a firearm with them everywhere they go.

Good luck.
I would say there's a difference between carrying a gun, and wielding a gun. If a provider says she has a gun it's no big deal, it's a dangerous hobby we play. I assume most providers have some sort of protection hidden somewhere, I know I would if I was in their shoes.

If I walk into a incall and a AR15 is sitting on the nightstand, that's an issue. It's dangerous for my safety, as I don't like being robbed, or killed.
Dkayz's Avatar
  • Dkayz
  • 04-14-2016, 05:54 AM
Just because you carry a gun doesn't make you paranoid.
I had one provider almost freak when I dropped my pants, she immediately accused me of carrying a billy club. I told her not to worry, and mentioned it only shoots twice in an hour.
Moved to proper forum from Alerts.
zeejoe's Avatar
your safety is important but so is mine. Originally Posted by Notjodaddy
This prima facie illegal hobby may not be right for you.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Or, sometimes a question is not a question?
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
I just came across a post wherein a provider here in the Kansas City area claims to be carrying a firearm whenever she can, I assumed that meant during appointments, And further states that she would have no problem using it.
This could be just paranoid ramblings but in my opinion warranted a heads up
I'm new here and unsure about whether or not put her name out Originally Posted by Notjodaddy
So you're stalking her on the local board also?
You need to realize that the real world is outside your door.
Are you not going to go into any convenience stores or hotels anymore?
Quite a few of the staff there carry also.
And folks don't carry unless they're prepared to use it.
Wake up and realize you are way overly paranoid.

Frankly, I'd enjoy having a gal protect me.
I used to always have my weapon (9mm) on me but Ive learned over the years that I don't need it. And i shouldn't have one unless I'm prepared to use it and live with the consequences. I'm not ready to take a life and live with that for the rest of my life.

There are other ways to protect yourself, despite your size. And traveling shouldn't be a risk unless maybe you're traveling to rough areas. Even so, learn to fight instead of simply hauling around a fucking gun. If a client had one on him during our session, the appointment would be over. The last thing I want is to be around somebody else's weapon during a time of lust and passion.

Lastly, not having a gun doesn't make you a victim. I haven't owned a gun in years but I'm sure as hell no victim.
I had one provider almost freak when I dropped my pants, she immediately accused me of carrying a billy club. I told her not to worry, and mentioned it only shoots twice in an hour. Originally Posted by MrNyceGuy
I bet you love going to the airport!
KenMonk's Avatar
Interesting reverse question, how would a provider feel if a hobbyist showed up with a firearm?
It's a free country. If you feel uncomfortable meeting a provider because she has a firearm, then take your paranoid self to see a different provider that doesn't offend your sensibilities.

... or crawl into your safe-space and pet a teddy bear. Your choice (did I mention this was a free country?)
dumars's Avatar
I have also never felt the need to even get near it and have almost forgotten it several times. Originally Posted by Ginger Snap
Yet, you say . . .

I'm sorry if my refusal to be a victim scares you. Originally Posted by Ginger Snap
Yes, civilians with guns scare me!! Given the stories in the news these past few years INCLUDING the fuzz!

Yes, I have a few but will not carry. Carrying one only makes me a target and my ego is not that hard to satisfy. Aside from that, the world ain't out to get me. There's a few women I wish were out to get me but that's wishful thinking.