Texas may reconsider sending prostitutes to prison


AUSTIN, Texas (AP) — Texas may be forced to reconsider a state law that allows prosecutors to charge prostitutes with a felony and send them to prison after three misdemeanor convictions.

The Austin American-Statesman (http://bit.ly/MUchl4) reports that more than 350 prostitutes currently occupy bunks in state prisons, and some officials are wondering whether that makes sense.

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-26-2012, 03:53 PM
sitting on a 20$ billion dollar state deficit the state is considering sending providers to prison? and It costs approx $50K a year to house and feed 1 convict ...

must be Perrys idea
joe bloe's Avatar
We should legalize prostitution. We would save a fortune on law enforcment and needlessly incarcerating essentially innocent people. It would give us more room in the prisons for real criminals. Legalization would generate desparately needed tax revenue and would help control the spread of STD's.

Besides, legalization might increase the supply of prostitutes and bring down the price!

Someone remind me, why is prostitution against the law?
pyramider's Avatar
Too hard to regulate?
sitting on a 20$ billion dollar state deficit the state is considering sending providers to prison? and It costs approx $50K a year to house and feed 1 convict ...

must be Perrys idea Originally Posted by CJ7
The proposal involves getting providers out of prison, not sending more of them there.
joe bloe's Avatar
It's been legal in several counties in Nevada since the early seventies. It seems like regulation would be pretty simple. You just require licensing with medical checkups for STD's. Apparently it's working ok in Nevada. There has been no contagion of HIV in a Nevada brothel since the seventies.
It's been legal in several counties in Nevada since the early seventies. It seems like regulation would be pretty simple. You just require licensing with medical checkups for STD's. Apparently it's working ok in Nevada. There has been no contagion of HIV in a Nevada brothel since the seventies. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Good thing it was discovered in The eighties.
Everything else +1.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
If you had read the article you would have know that they are talking about NOT sending providers to prison anymore. Once again, you have it ass backwards.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
We've tried to work with CBJ7 on that comprehension problem of his. He just won't listen.
joe bloe's Avatar
Good thing it was discovered in The eighties.
Everything else +1. Originally Posted by UB9IB6
That's a good point. Even a blind hog finds an acorn sometimes.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
In an election year, too - hmmmm, will wonders never cease? Are the Baptists and CoG's taking November off?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-27-2012, 06:42 PM
If you had read the article you would have know that they are talking about NOT sending providers to prison anymore. Once again, you have it ass backwards. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

like I give a shit one way or the other
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I suggest you watch where you stick the dildo CJ. Like you give a shit.