Dallas Botox

qt.bang's Avatar
I am a highly trained professional in facial esthetics.

Do you desire a younger appearance in very little time?
Notice that more makeup is required to fill those crevasses?
Wish you looked younger in days?

Let me vanish those forehead wrinkles, 11's, squint-lines, neck drapes, and nose-wrinkles. Gentleness and speed are my signature. If you have ever had treatment like this, you will find that I am the best.

I only use brand name solution and never dilute more than the manufacturer's recommendations for the treatment area intended. Many others dilute and overcharge liberally.

Easy: 20's with slight wrinkle depth, dermal fullness responds quickly and with very few treatments.
Moderate: 30's with more depth of dermal creases still experience smoothness as soon as 48 hours but require more sessions to obtain desired healing
Difficult: Has more to do with deep wrinkles than maturity. Expert experience like I have keeps a clinician from over-treating an area and giving the Bob Costas Olympic look (not good)!

If you desire that freshly rested look for the next 4 months, PM me. There is a great chance that you can afford my services. Although I have treated at BOTOX parties in the past, I prefer to treat in a well-lit area that you are accustomed to, but we can discuss.

If you are not a verified provider on eccie, please seek treatment elsewhere.