Biden to visit "pariah" Saudi Arabia

Just when you thought it couldn't get any worse.... Biden is going to Saudi Arabia to suck the King's dick. Every American should be appalled. Every country is going to be laughing at us. And I don't blame them.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
he's going to "kneel and bob" for oil.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
HedonistForever's Avatar
Going begging to replace what we decided to stop supplying. You want to really confuse and confound a Progressive? Ask them to explain how burning Saudi oil is OK but burning our oil, which just happens to be cleaner and provides American jobs, is bad for the planet.

You know that doesn't make a bit of sense but you are stuck, supporting a policy that can easily destroy the Democrat party, which is happening day by day.

There is no explaining what Biden is doing. He is trying to correct a mistake he made but of course doing it all wrong because a small portion of his party has threatened him, the portion that could not get designated people nominated but found a way to have their priorities become Biden's priorities and he and his party are going to pay royally. SMH
Oilrig's Avatar
Every foreign trip Biden takes is to give away billions of taxpayer dollars. His Europe trip he gave away billions to NATO countries without asking them to pay their fair share His Asian trip he removed Trump executive orders so they could start dumping washing machines and solar panels again destroying US companies. Biden cancelled the Abraham Accords that would have given billions of investment for a peace deal. He'll hand out the billions with no peace deal.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...You want to really confuse and confound a Progressive? Ask them to explain how burning Saudi oil is OK but burning our oil, which just happens to be cleaner and provides American jobs, is bad for the planet... Originally Posted by HedonistForever
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Does not compute!
Damn you stupid fucks are unbelievable. Bitch about rising oil prices then bitch about Biden trying to do something about it.
VitaMan's Avatar
This trip has been under review and discussion for some time.
... Maybe Biden will take Hunter with him.
Let the lad make a few more "business contacts"...

That Sleepy Joe knows nothing about. ...

### Salty
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Damn you stupid fucks are unbelievable. Bitch about rising oil prices then bitch about Biden trying to do something about it. Originally Posted by royamcr

sucking Saudi dick for oil is doing something about it? brilliant. considering Biden caused the issue to begin with by stifling US production with green new deal nonsense i guess he deserves to go suck dick to "fix" it.

This trip has been under review and discussion for some time. Originally Posted by VitaMan

some time before or after the Saudis wouldn't talk to him?
they are making him cum grovel for his mistakes.

the press conference will set a new low in stupid Bidenisms. can't wait, can you?
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Two headlines on the same day Old Cabbage Head is panhandling the Saudis for oil. You know they got to be face palming, wondering why he just don't pump his own danged oil...

Joe Biden Rages Against Critics of His Multi-Trillion Spending Agenda:
‘We’re Changing People’s Lives!’

Biden Approval Reaches ‘Lowest Level Yet’
amid Rampant Inflation and Skyrocketing Gas Prices

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Two headlines on the same day Old Cabbage Head is panhandling the Saudis for oil. You know they got to be face palming, wondering why he just don't pump his own danged oil...

Joe Biden Rages Against Critics of His Multi-Trillion Spending Agenda:
‘We’re Changing People’s Lives!’

Biden Approval Reaches ‘Lowest Level Yet’
amid Rampant Inflation and Skyrocketing Gas Prices

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do

Now see here, Mister! calling Biden old is one thing, but insulting cabbage is going too far!!

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
I said: Trying. So far, no gots

Report: DNC Reschedules Fundraiser with Kamala Harris for Lack of Ticket Sales

The Democrat National Committee (DNC) reportedly had to reschedule its Woman’s Leadership Forum fundraiser on May 25 and 26 with Vice President Kamala Harris for lack of ticket sales.

“The event was rescheduled last minute for the autumn, when the event is traditionally held, after the event couldn’t sell enough tickets,” Status Coup News reported. “When the invites were sent out on May 5, it was hyped as an incredible opportunity to mingle in person after two years of virtual events and meetings.”

Ticket prices range from $250 to $50,000, according to the report.

DNC spokesperson Daniel Wessel is on record claiming Kamala Harris is a huge draw for events but did not give a reason why the event was rescheduled.
Harris’s polling numbers are abysmal. Harris’s polling numbers are worse than President Joe Biden’s. Only 28 percent approve of Harris, while 62 percent disapprove. In contrast, Biden’s approval rating is 33 percent with 56 percent disapproving.

Perhaps the reason Harris’s polling numbers are so terrible is that she has failed to secure the southern border. Biden gave her that responsibility in March of 2021.

Harris has also made numerous gaffes in the press. Among her communication gaffes was the time NBC News questioned her in June about why she had not visited the border, as doing so may give her insight into how to stop the invasion. Harris answered by saying she had not yet visited Europe.

“You haven’t been to the border?” Lester Holt asked.

“And I haven’t been to Europe,” Harris said laughing. “And I mean, I don’t understand the point that you’re making. I’m not discounting the importance of the border.”

Harris’s blunder was not an outlier. In March, the vice president rambled about the “significance of the passage of time” during a speech in Sunset, Louisiana. She mentioned the “significance of the passage of time” four times within 32 seconds.

After having reached out to Willie Brown's former call girl for comment

She responded:

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Y’all need to pull your heads out each other’s asses.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Biden's head will be up MBS's ass!!!!
Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
