Should I make my stop in Springfields & Joplin?

Hello Springfield gents.
I'm visiting KCMO next week. Then I have to go back home but I have 2-3 extra days. Should I make my stop in Springfields and joblin? If I have enough interest. Private message me, pls.
Thank you for gentlemen who responded to me for your interest to visit Jopin and Springfields.

I will make a plan to visit your city soon!

I have Texas trip planned and coming up soon a week and a half. If I try to come to Missouri this coming week then I have to rush back to OKC. So, I will plan more time in toward end of June or July.

Keep sending me your message and I will make a contact list to let you know when that will be

Actually, guys I had cancelled my trip to KCMO. So, I would have time this coming week. I can visit Springfields first then Jopin on the way back.

PM me