Clients... private time only or social too?

Question for hobbyists in Springfield

Have you ever met a provider in public.... over dinner or an activity, something other than BCD?

If yes, what caused you to want the time out and about?

If no, is Springfield so small that someone would recognize you, does a happy hour just not interest you, is there nothing to do in SGF?

yes I have, for dinner and it was great. and I would love to spend an evening with you. I just wanted an evening with someone new.
Question for hobbyists in Springfield

Have you ever met a provider in public.... over dinner or an activity, something other than BCD?

If yes, what caused you to want the time out and about?

If no, is Springfield so small that someone would recognize you, does a happy hour just not interest you, is there nothing to do in SGF?

Originally Posted by PleasantSurprise
I have met in public yes , but not in Springfield. Bigger cities where I don't know anyone. Several times in Vegas for lunch or nice dinner. A couple times in KC for drinks.

Why because we just hit it off and had a few things in common.

If you run a business, have any money, or are very social in Springfield you are going to run into someone you know in this town. I never go out without running into someone I know. So public in this town is out, generally. I have thought about meeting someone on my boat for water fun on Table Rock.

There are things to do, just depends on what you like.

I went to your web site and the social aspect along with fun is what I would generally prefer, but very hard to make it work around here and frankly I don't think most have what it would take to enjoy a nice dinner or sophisticated conversation. Most are not courtesans, it is the dollar only.
I have had dinners, movies and social activities - primarily out of town. In Tulsa it was common - in Springfield not so much. In the right circumstances it would be ok.
A while back a client mentioned he had a friend interested in seeing someone.

I made a provider recommendation. It turned into a double date.

We ate at a very nice, high end restaurant. The provider on the other side of the table just didn't appreciate good food. Great gal. Between the four of us we had oysters, shrimp cocktail, steak and lobster, and my favorite a side of au gratin potatoes. I was in absolute heaven. Her and I both had permission to order anything we wanted off the menu. It was so cool trying new martinis, wine with the meal, and then we ordered a few different desserts. I had some chocolate one, I don't remember what it was called, but it was delicious. I have a knack for good food on any scale, it was so neat. I definitely understand what you're saying when mentioning very few would truly enjoy a nice dinner.

ToTulsa, what do you think made social activities common in Tulsa? Was it something common to the area that a lot of providers offered, or something you chose to do more frequently when there compared to other areas?

I am glad you read between the lines there because that could come across snobby, which is one of the worst traits in my opinion. Simply eating at Per Se or Alinea would be a waste of money for most people. I read your Wendy's vs. Charlie's comparison in one of the threads and a good burger can be every bit as satisfying as a high end meal .

I am a foodie and wine person so they are not wastes for me, but for most people regardless of wealth or education it is a sub culture much like hobbying and providing is a subculture which most people wouldn't understand . Hell I am not even sure I understand it . Who am I kidding ,yes I do. Lol
I had a person one time ask me where I would like to eat. I said, "Cheesecake Factory." He said, "I'm sorry, I will not eat at a place that has factory in it's name." As I think to myself, Eek! I probably shouldn't mention I like Taco Bell...

A larger place like Tulsa was more discreet. I like the friendly aspects of the hobby with providers when I enjoy their company. Typically it was with someone that I had seen several times and had developed a connected relationship.
I have on a number of occasions(not in Springfield), gone out to coffee with providers the day after a date. It's fun, nothing serious, everyone has something to talk about. It's a good time to plan next time.
  • loboy
  • 07-05-2013, 06:02 PM
Yes I have taken 2 to dinner, I just really enjoyed their company and we had fun talking about whatever...As of now I'm not really a somebody yet and I guess that allows me to be more free-spirited
  • c0ach
  • 07-09-2013, 04:55 PM
I enjoy a social engagement as a way to start a date. Be it dinner, dessert, or coffee. I have no problem counting that as part of our time together.
  • Mrzip
  • 07-10-2013, 07:42 PM
There are a couple of ladies in Springfield I would love to have dinner with, but it is just too much of a small town to take chance if you must stay UTR.
with all the talk about food I am hungry all ready???
  • katee
  • 07-17-2013, 11:59 AM
I enjoy a social engagement as a way to start a date. Be it dinner, dessert, or coffee. I have no problem counting that as part of our time together. Originally Posted by c0ach
Great reply c0ach!