Ready for round 2

So what do you do when you begin to open everything up again thinking you have contained Wuhan Virus and round 2 comes around? How about round 3 when it comes. Do we shut down the world for months on end?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
A new new normal. We just have to get used to new normals.

Slavoj Žižek’s “End of Capitalism” and the Coronavirus

The term capitalist realism refers to a perceived widespread sense that not only is capitalism the only viable political and economic system, but that it is also now impossible to imagine an alternative. However, with the sensational crash of the financial markets currently being played out in slow motion, the coronavirus is perversely sparking imaginations, acting as stimulus for potential change. As bars and restaurants close, as that retail sector begins to struggle, and, ultimately, as the market spirals towards an unparalleled collapse, the prospect of an other system stirs; indeed, it is easier to imagine the end of capitalism, than the end of the world.
So what do you do when you begin to open everything up again thinking you have contained Wuhan Virus and round 2 comes around? How about round 3 when it comes. Do we shut down the world for months on end? Originally Posted by eccielover
That's why I'm leaning towards "herd immunity."

Thank God it's not killing many people, especially children.
  • oeb11
  • 03-25-2020, 11:23 AM
9500- thanks for exposing the fantasy - just Clyburn - Let no crisis go to waste when it can be used to bend the world to our vision and advantage.

Socialism Kills! See - Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Kim, Castro, Maduro, Pol Pot. And - Hitler - socialism includes all of the greatest mass murderers in the history of our Planet.

U may brush it off as just - "Needed population and ideology control"!!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
I wonder how many people this idiot killed.