The razor blade tight rope

I don't think very many people get the razor blade tight rope that President Trump and the Governors are walking on right now. The press is so clueless and hell bent on promoting dissent than the common good it is rather frustrating. Shutting things down can stop or slow the spread of Covid-19, but it also stops the economy in a huge way. The spread across the country is not the same, so hard to have a nationwide policy.

The thing that is the most concerning is that Covid-19 has already been spread so far that if it slows spreading this summer it will come back this fall. Which means some type of immunity will need to be built up. It is unlikely that a vaccine will be ready, so the only immunity will be by those that got Covid-19 and recovered. The larger this population the less problem this fall. So how much can you let Covid-19 spread without over loading the health care system? Not sure anyone or any computer model can accurately predict this.

The French Doctor has a glimmer of hope with a combination of drugs that treat malaria have reduced the actual viral numbers and can be somewhat of a cure. They are working on clinical trials of this, and if they prove the anecdotal evidence true, will provide the best hope there is for getting back to normal quicker.

I pray everyday for our leaders to make the right decisions to be able to stay on the tight rope and not slip off or cut their feet as they work through the toughest decisions any leader has had to make since President Truman ordered the atomic bombs dropped to end WWII.
good post mr. farmer
Mr. Farmer, the reason the razor edge tight rope exist is because the Main Stream Media will not report ANYTHING that would enhance President Trump’s re election bid.

Just look at the two popular home page sites, MSN and AOL. Every headline concerning President Trump has a negative tone to it. The simply cannot bring it to themselves to report any of the good that the President and his team are doing.

But thanks be that President Trump can handle it.
Thanks Farm Stud. I've essentially trying to communicate that and more.

But people are too panicked to listen except to the people who are causing the panic.
As for the immunity thing, this virus might be like the Influenza Virus, able to mutate every season just enough to infect those who might have had the flu just a year before.
Thanks Farm Stud. I've essentially trying to communicate that and more.

But people are too panicked to listen except to the people who are causing the panic. Originally Posted by gnadfly

We have totally removed people having to think about risk/reward they panic easily. Idiot Michael Bloomberg thinking farming was an easy process that could be taught is the prime example of this thinking. Even the simple act of putting a seed in the ground involves several risk to reward issues. From soil moisture, to frost dates, to soil temps, to calendar date. Soil too wet compaction issues that can reduce yields. Wait for dryer soil and it could keep raining and yield goes down from late planting dates.

Ambulance chasing lawyers that want class action lawsuits for drug side effects. There is no such drug that is 100% safe for everyone.
As for the immunity thing, this virus might be like the Influenza Virus, able to mutate every season just enough to infect those who might have had the flu just a year before. Originally Posted by Jackie S
That is always a possibility, but only time will tell, and too many people can’t wait for accurate information.
HedonistForever's Avatar
It's amazing watching the reports on all the scientist ( mostly in America ) working on not only a vaccine but a cure using DNA manipulation.

We have literally gone from no test for COVID-19 in a matter of months, to a test that must be sent to a lab and wait days if not weeks for a result to "possibly" a test you will take at home and get a result in hours if not minutes just like a pregnancy test.

History will show this to be the fastest turn around/ response to a corona virus in medical history. All things considered, I think the scientific community is doing a great job and I have no doubt that in a matter of weeks, every American that wants a test whether at a test site or at home will be available and a vaccine will be available long before the predicted 12 to 18 months.

The human race probably wouldn't exist today if not for the many vaccines science has given us. To those parents who refuse to have their children vaccinated for

fine, they will not be allowed in public schools, not allowed to attend any gathering of children for any reason, may not even go to public parks. If you are found to have violated this order, the parent will be jailed as a common criminal. Other than that, feel free to not vaccine your children and keep them home and away from other children. It's your right to be a fool in America, it is not a right to spread your foolishness to others. Just my opinion.
  • oeb11
  • 03-25-2020, 11:05 AM
HF - well written- +1
  • oeb11
  • 03-25-2020, 11:13 AM
IMHO - The most reasonable information we have about the Wuhan virus is it behaves like an Influenza A - with some becoming severely ill and with a 3-4% mortality rate - the Wuhan virus mortality rate is likely much less - and rare outside the elderly and those with underlying predisposing disease processes.

This is the assumptions - that the virus is highly infectious - likely true - and highly lethal - Not True.

The likelihood is the Wuhan virus is not highly lethal - or even a 1% threat - to the healthy population of America. as such - quarantining the entire population makes no sense - and destroying the economy has no justification.

we should be vigorously quarantining those at risk, and let the rest of the population go about their business. It may be tht a medical treatment will be developed - hopefully soon with already FDA approved drugs. Unlikely to have a vaccine within a year.

Once this disease - which is already at least 2 levels beyond our quarantine control measures - runs to its end - and it will at some time in warmer weather - herd immunity may take over. however - as a mutable coronavirus - type 19 - or subsequent types may recur in subsequent years. As does Influenza A.

I think we need to take a deep breath - look at the assumptions underlying what we are doing to ourselves - and change to meet the realities of the disease. And turn off the panic and fear-mongering of the LSM - which only sees political advantage in this crisis.
That is always a possibility, but only time will tell, and too many people can’t wait for accurate information. Originally Posted by farmstud60
There is a lot of truth in this.
BlisswithKriss's Avatar
Mr. Farmer, the reason the razor edge tight rope exist is because the Main Stream Media will not report ANYTHING that would enhance President Trump’s re election bid.

Just look at the two popular home page sites, MSN and AOL. Every headline concerning President Trump has a negative tone to it. The simply cannot bring it to themselves to report any of the good that the President and his team are doing.

But thanks be that President Trump can handle it. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Oh so the main purpose of the media is to boost the re-election bid of Trump...really?
And that’s it...are you kidding me or what?
Frankly I don’t give a shit about Trumps approval ratings or the election in Nov,
If you’d care to listen at length to Gov Cuomo of NY and his press conference and then compare it to the plethora of drivel that Trump is spewing then is it any wonder there’s plenty of reasons why Trump is being reported negatively..
He’s brought it all on himself..Doctor Doolittle.
Countless folks on both sides of the aisle have begged him to enact the Defense Construction Act to get supplies moving...and what does he do ?
Zippo, nada. And nobody knows why. NY need 40000 ventilators....where are they ?

Gov Cuomo and other Governors are showing what real leaders are all about because they know the seriousness of the situation.

And Trump is showing his usual bluster and pointing of fingers. Heck, he’s even having a go at Sen Romney for his attempts to self isolate..

Trump is NOT a leader and never will be. He’s totally clueless as to what to do except whine and urge folks to get back to least Pence is trying to do the right thing but as we all know....Trump has to grab the limelight, because he has this childish notion that he’s not loved by everyone,.and it’s hurting his fragile ego. But it will cost lives. But he couldn’t care less.
And all you suckers need to wake up too...this virus is coming your way.. hello !!
DO NOT rely on this fool in the WH to rescue any of’re on your own..
Oh so the main purpose of the media is to boost the re-election bid of Trump...really?
And that’s it...are you kidding me or what?
Frankly I don’t give a shit about Trumps approval ratings or the election in Nov,
If you’d care to listen at length to Gov Cuomo of NY and his press conference and then compare it to the plethora of drivel that Trump is spewing then is it any wonder there’s plenty of reasons why Trump is being reported negatively..
He’s brought it all on himself..Doctor Doolittle.
Countless folks on both sides of the aisle have begged him to enact the Defense Construction Act to get supplies moving...and what does he do ?
Zippo, nada. And nobody knows why. NY need 40000 ventilators....where are they ?

Gov Cuomo and other Governors are showing what real leaders are all about because they know the seriousness of the situation.

And Trump is showing his usual bluster and pointing of fingers. Heck, he’s even having a go at Sen Romney for his attempts to self isolate..

Trump is NOT a leader and never will be. He’s totally clueless as to what to do except whine and urge folks to get back to least Pence is trying to do the right thing but as we all know....Trump has to grab the limelight, because he has this childish notion that he’s not loved by everyone,.and it’s hurting his fragile ego. But it will cost lives. But he couldn’t care less.
And all you suckers need to wake up too...this virus is coming your way.. hello !!
DO NOT rely on this fool in the WH to rescue any of’re on your own.. Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss
Cuomo's full of shit

if he needs 40,000 ventilators why didn't he plan for that? he's in charge of his state, if he's so fkn insightful then upon taking office he should have started rounding up ppe's, ventilators, started building new hospitals, test kits, recruiting docs and nurses, starting vaccine research etc

he's been governor beginning in 2011, long before trump ever took office, what's he been doing?

all he does is pontificate and blame now, so great isn't it

no, he just blames trump for not planning for that... easy enough to do isnt it? all in some kind of look how righteous I am indignation

he even gets it wrong in his rant when he asks trump which 26,000 do you pick to die

he says 400 ventilators were delivered when its 4,000, and they are working as fast as they can on more

the act he wants trump to enforce is being done without need for enforcement

its just some talking point that eager dumbasses glom onto
lustylad's Avatar
Countless folks on both sides of the aisle have begged him to enact the Defense Construction Act to get supplies moving...and what does he do ?
Zippo, nada. And nobody knows why. NY need 40000 ventilators....where are they? Originally Posted by BlisswithKriss

Cuomo's full of shit...

he says 400 ventilators were delivered when its 4,000, and they are working as fast as they can on more

the act he wants trump to enforce is being done without need for enforcement

its just some talking point that eager dumbasses glom onto Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought

Hahaha... you beat me to it!

Blissnpissboy shows his appalling ignorance with every post he makes. The feds shipped 4,000 respirators (not "ventilators") to Cuomo yesterday. And trumpy is invoking the DPA selectively as needed. Btw it's called the Defense Production Act, not the Defense Construction Act.

Blissnpissboy constantly brags about doing his "research" but then he gets all his facts wrong!
Hahaha... you beat me to it!

Blissnpissboy shows his appalling ignorance with every post he makes. The feds shipped 4,000 respirators (not "ventilators") to Cuomo yesterday. And trumpy is invoking the DPA selectively as needed. Btw it's called the Defense Production Act, not the Defense Construction Act.

Blissnpissboy constantly brags about doing his "research" but then he gets all his facts wrong! Originally Posted by lustylad
thanks yes respirators

he typed ventilators and in my haste I flowed along