uber for escorts.

Signed up for uber driving a while back. Just curious if any girls ever use it for appts or maybe would if the driver was ok with hanging out in the area for 30min to hour if needed.
dumars's Avatar
Signed up for uber driving a while back. Just curious if any girls ever use it for appts or maybe would if the driver was ok with hanging out in the area for 30min to hour if needed. Originally Posted by royamcr
I'd tell the lady to tell the driver to find another "area" to hang out! Especially if you came to my house or to a small "no tell motel". Sometimes it's cool to be the only kid on the block, sometimes it ain't! The world is filled with bizy bodies.

Oh, and you would have access to ladies real names . . . might be a problem to some.
Definitely wouldn't linger around... was just curious if any girls used it and would prefer a driver that is more in tune with their transportation needs. On a legal stand point it could be a cover for the driver. Just say you were giving an uber ride. Had no idea what she was doing... as far as full real names that is only known by uber.
KCQuestor's Avatar
Last year, Uber got some press for announcing that their data could pinpoint a "walk of shame" (Uber called it a "Ride of Glory" {RoG})

“A RoGer was defined as anyone who took a ride between 10pm and 4am on a Friday or Saturday night, and then took a second ride from within 1/10th of a mile of the previous nights’ drop-off point 4-6 hours later (enough for a quick night’s sleep).”

{T}he team at Uber found the most heavily correlated crime was prostitution. What’s interesting is that prostitution had a considerable spike on Wednesdays, which happened to be at the same time Social Security and welfare checks arrived.
So basically, Uber tracks where its riders go. They could easily flag someone who goes from one hotel to the another in a given night. Even a high volume of rides to a hotel followed by rides back an hour or two later would be a good indication that a provider had an incall there. Sure, the data would be masked by civilians going to the hotel restaurant, or even non-paid one-night stands. But it would be in there. And unlike a taxi, Uber is tied to a real person through a credit card.

I wouldn't use it.
malwoody's Avatar
I didn't realize repeated trips back and forth to hotels or whatever was now illegal...or against a companies policy. Sometimes I miss the days before cell phones, GPS, etc...
Used to be one could slink off and actually hide for awhile...LOL. I should have realized it was coming to an end when my pager started vibrating and I shanked it into the woods...
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
...Used to be one could slink off and actually hide for awhile...LOL. I should have realized it was coming to an end when my pager started vibrating and I shanked it into the woods... Originally Posted by malwoody
Once upon a time ago during shotgun practice:
Shooter one: Clay, clay, pager, clay...
Shooter two: Clay, clay, wedding picture in a small frame, clay, ...

But back to Uber, same rules apply to LE getting data from any business similar to LE asking for hotel registration data. Warrants are needed. Unless of course if staff are hacked off at someone. Someone at Uber had an amusing story and it made the papers. Hotel staff have similar stories.
  • Luxie
  • 06-09-2016, 08:59 PM
Also, if she gets busted you could easily get arrested for trafficking. Not worth it.
malwoody's Avatar
Also, if she gets busted you could easily get arrested for trafficking. Not worth it. Originally Posted by GemmaFox

Don't take this wrong and I'm not suggesting Roy do uber or not....but giving a girl a ride is trafficking? The Mann act has not been mentioned but once again like UC said, warrants? If I pick up a provider who happens to be a platonic friend at the airport, and give her a ride across state lines I guess I'm breaking a couple of laws. Now I know she is a provider but we typically discuss very little if anything about the lifestyle. Should I quit giving my friend a ride?
ScubaBad's Avatar
And nobody has to have a real name. All you need is green dot card with a fake name.
malwoody's Avatar
And nobody has to have a real name. All you need is green dot card with a fake name. Originally Posted by ScubaBad
Next time I use UBR, I'm requesting ScubaBad.
CaptainKaos's Avatar
I'm a driver and I wouldn't hang around waiting for any passenger to come back in an hour unless they paid me to.

I don't know if I've picked up escorts, but I have taken a pretty lady or two to a local hotel from their houses to meet friends. I also take strippers to and from work and they all have used their stage names.
KCQuestor's Avatar
I didn't realize repeated trips back and forth to hotels or whatever was now illegal... Originally Posted by malwoody
Not suggesting that it is illegal. Just that someone will be able to figure out what you are probably doing. Personally, that doesn't scare me, just like i don't care that Google knows my search history and GPS info. They are a big company and they don't care what I do as long as they can sell me ads.

Data from Uber is unlikely to be tagged to an individual without a warrant. It is more likely that the aggregate metadata would be used to inform Law Enforcement about patterns of behavior. According to the article, Wednesday really *IS* Hump Day.
Peter Devlin's Avatar
Uber is a global technology company, valued at more than 40 billion dollars.

The Uber platform facilitates more than one million rides per day, globally.

These transactions are fully automated and seamless. There is no cash involved.

Drivers and riders communicate via phone when necessary through a proxy phone number and first names only. That communication is only available while the trip is active and in progress.

A $40 billion global enterprise is not likely to release individual/personal data to a tiny municipality in a costly and probably futile effort to nail a hooker.
malwoody's Avatar
Uber is a global technology company, valued at more than 40 billion dollars.

The Uber platform facilitates more than one million rides per day, globally.

These transactions are fully automated and seamless. There is no cash involved.

Drivers and riders communicate via phone when necessary through a proxy phone number and first names only. That communication is only available while the trip is active and in progress.

A $40 billion global enterprise is not likely to release individual/personal data to a tiny municipality in a costly and probably futile effort to nail a hooker. Originally Posted by Peter Devlin

Thank you