5 Republican facts that every American should be pissed about!

BigLouie's Avatar
1. Ronald Reagan was AWFUL-

The golden boy and savior of the Republican Party, Ronald Reagan, is often made out to be the best thing this country has had in our history. What you won't hear on right-wing TV and radio like Fox News and Rush Limbaugh is that Reagan nearly tripled the national debt. He lowered the top tax rate from 70% in his first year down to 50% in 1984 and by the time he left office in January of 1989 it was at only 28%. The code name "Reaganomics" was used to describe the idea of "trickle down" or "supply side economics". They told Americans that giving tax breaks to the wealthiest members of our country would create jobs and that the money would simply trickle down. However, the majority of jobs that were created were sent over seas and the so-called job creators put their money in off shore bank accounts. Or simply placed their wealth in stocks, bonds and real estate and paid a capital gains tax rate of only 15%, the same as a greeter at Walmart. Add in selling weapons to terrorists, the busting up of middle class unions, closing psychiatric wards-leaving the mentally ill to walk on the streets, and raising taxes on the middle class 11 times, I think it's safe to say that the "golden boy" was nothing more than fools gold.

2. Universal Health Care could have happened in 1993-

In 1993 health care reform was all the rage. President Bill Clinton placed his wife, the First Lady Hillary Clinton, as the face of the program. Promising all Americans to finally receive the care that many other nations had, Hilary Clinton tried to drive this message home not just to average Americans, but also spent plenty of time in Congress. A noted exchange with Dick Armey showed that the First Lady had the thick skin to stick it out with the "big boys". However, due to her inexperience and lack of support from members of her own party, the bill never even got voted on. The far right screamed socialism and the Democrats were, as usual, too scared to come to her defense. Those on the right struck fear in the hearts of conservatives so much that the First Lady had to wear a bulletproof vest during her Health Care bus tour.

3. Medicare should be covering all of us by now, if LBJ had his way-

In 1965, when President Lyndon B. Johnson signed into law the Social Security Act of 1965 as add-ons to the existing Social Security bill, he had in mind full universal health care for all Americans. Originally, LBJ wanted to lower the Medicare eligibility age every 10 years by 10 years. Continuing each decade until every American was covered; Medicare would have included all of us. However, with big time politicians being bought off by the insurance companies, that dream was never lived out. And as middle class Americans struggle to find care, those insurance companies and politicians continue to live their “American Dream”.

4. "Big" government is NOT the problem-

From moderates to extremists, every conservative can agree on one thing. Government is the enemy. From Ronald Reagan's famous quote to the loud mouths on talk radio, the idea of Government in your life has been drilled into people's heads as a negative. What most of these Americans don't realize is how much they use and like a strong government. The seniors and disabled who yell about the supposed "Socialized Takeover" enjoy great "socialized" programs like Social Security and Medicare. The unemployed are happy to collect their checks and the low-income earners who vote conservative will gladly take advantage of Medicaid to help pay for their healthcare bills. I wonder where those people send their kids to school? If it's not to a private school they might want to pipe down. Government isn't there to run people's lives, it is there to help every member in our society when they need it the most. Let's regulate the people at the top to keep them from running away with everything all at the same time and we'll create a fair and safe environment for everyone to live in. If you don't like it, move to Somalia.

5. The Bush Tax Cuts are even worse than you thought-

Continuing on with "Reaganomics", George Bush enacted his "Bush Tax Cuts" in 2001 and 2003. According to the non-partisan Congressional Research Service, they estimated a loss in revenue over a 10 year period of just under $3 trillion. If you include the interest that needs to be paid, you can add another $606 billion, for a total of $3.6 trillion. As Republicans forced President Obama's hand in extending these cuts for two more years, the country will see a loss of revenue of $561 billion over the next decade. In addition to the loss in revenue, the people who were promised to benefit from these tax cuts haven't felt it. As with Reagan, under Bush, the wealthiest members of our country took the tax cuts and pocketed the money. While the average middle class American took the few hundred dollars extra they received and paid their electric or cable bill with it. The Bush tax cuts need to be eliminated ASAP or we could be in more trouble than we thought.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
waverunner234's Avatar
Garbage. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
You mean Republicans = Garbage?

Wow, it's hard to believe but this time I totally agree with you.

It shows time and time again, now again confirmed by Perry's idiot tax plan.

Democrats: politics for all people
Republicans: politics for the rich
TheDaliLama's Avatar
More garbage.
TexTushHog's Avatar
Actually health care reform could have happened in 1974.

The government started to screw up health care in during WW II.

What people should really be pissed about is that both parties can't stop spending money in Washington DC, which is the real problem, not revenue. Raising taxes is like giving an alcholic another drink.
anaximander's Avatar
No your mind is full of garbage.

National health care was proposed in the
modern era by none other than Vladimir Lenin.
FDR wanted to implement it but knew the
public would never accept it.
FDR wanted to model postwar America on soviet
style centralized govt planning.
Even friggin Ike was peeved that he couldn't get
traction for building the kind of mass housing
that postwar europe was building. Ike felt
the defense industry was taking money for
bombers and missiles that could have been
spent on 'the people'.

I have long been wary of people who voice
concern for the poor or the people.
History is repleat with despots and tyrants
who did unmatchable horrors in the name of
The People.
Yeah? Fuck the people. Any jackass who thinks
the govt will clothe, feed, and care for them
will surely, and justly, die naked, hungry, and
Thou shall not steal.
Taking what one man earned and
given to the man that didn't is wicked.
The soul that does not work shall not eat.

The Federal Govt was never meant to mother
it's citizens. If you desire govt handouts of
one sort or another you are not a citizen
in the classic sense you are a parasite quite
literally. Your survival depends on the efforts
of others. Oversized children, adult only
by chronology; wisdom is absent.

The democrat lie is that you can have everything
and float the bill to later generations.
The dems may have lost the civil war,
but they never gave up the fight.
They will be our master and caretaker
even if it kill us.
Democrats never had loyalty or fidelity
to the Constitution or the Republic for
which it stands. Democrats should be
as villified as the proConfederacy.
Jim Crow laws weren't enacted to prevent
blacks from voting for democrats.
They were created by dems to curtail
black GOP support. They would be proud
of their great-great-grandchildren.
The nigrahs that Lincoln forced them to release;
their progeny have rounded them back up.
Voluntarily no less- the sweet irony.

Democrats are by nature unamerican.
When they speak of being american they
mean with regards to some notion of
connection to the land.
American is an ideal first conceived by
our Founding Fathers; it just happens
to be here and nowhere else.
Garbage. Originally Posted by TheDaliLama
You mean Republicans = Garbage?

Wow, it's hard to believe but this time I totally agree with you. Originally Posted by waverunner234
It just goes to show that even the Robed Wing-Nuts residing in the Penthouse Suites of the Palace Inn can be correct every once in a while!

Way to go Lama, I knew you would eventually see the light!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Actually health care reform could have happened in 1974.

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/0..._n_269935.html Originally Posted by TexTushHog
ted kennedy helped kill it cause it wasn't his. lol!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
No your mind is full of garbage.

National health care was proposed in the
modern era by none other than Vladimir Lenin.

Originally Posted by anaximander

this is where you're wrong. its King Bismark of Germany who started that, not Lenin.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You mean Big Louie's post = Garbage?

Wow, it's hard to believe but this time I totally agree with you.

It shows time and time again, now again confirmed by Perry's idiot tax plan.

Democrats: politics for all people
Republicans: politics for the rich Originally Posted by waverunner234
There fixed that error.
blue3122's Avatar
Has anyone ever lived or worked in a country with national healthcare? I have and my experience is that I don't want any part of that. And anyone who can afford it doesn't want it either. It is an inferior good. (That means the more wealth you have, the less of it you want. Sort of like bologna (or baloney).
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Has anyone ever lived or worked in a country with national healthcare? I have and my experience is that I don't want any part of that. And anyone who can afford it doesn't want it either. It is an inferior good. (That means the more wealth you have, the less of it you want. Sort of like bologna (or baloney). Originally Posted by blue3122
I think the nordic countries are the exception to the rule when it comes to national healthcare. their citizens seem very statisfied with it.
Has anyone ever lived or worked in a country with national healthcare? I have and my experience is that I don't want any part of that. And anyone who can afford it doesn't want it either. It is an inferior good. (That means the more wealth you have, the less of it you want. Sort of like bologna (or baloney). Originally Posted by blue3122
I don't but the company I work for has major offices in England and The Netherlands. The employees there all buy supplemental health insurance. They say that the health care is fine if you have a broken leg but if you have cancer, heart condition or other serious health condition, your fucked.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Has anyone ever lived or worked in a country with national healthcare? I have and my experience is that I don't want any part of that. And anyone who can afford it doesn't want it either. It is an inferior good. (That means the more wealth you have, the less of it you want. Sort of like bologna (or baloney). Originally Posted by blue3122
Than give an example of those countries who don't want it- I recall during the Obamacare debates many people from overseas were saying how they couldn't understand why Americans had issues with universal healthcare. Also, if it's unpopular show me references or videos where Canadian politicians and/or European citizens have protested healthcare or have tried to repeal it. Fact is they like it they want it and it works!!!!