Happy In Prison

Fast Gunn's Avatar
Can a person truly be happy in prison?

Can you be living the high life on billions of dollars one day, but then be sentenced to prison for 150 years for your crimes and still be happy?

Bernie Madoff claims he's happier now that he is in prison than he has been in 20 years.

. . . I don't know, but this guy has been a con man all his life and maybe he just doesn't know how to tell the truth anymore!

anaximander's Avatar
He may be speaking in reference that
he doesn't have to hide or be fearful of
being found out. There is a certain solace
in not being pursued anymore.

But yeah, he is a lying bastard anyhow.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I wondered about the solace angle.

This character ruined the lives of thousands upon thousands of people with his elaborate scams so maybe punishment is soothing to his troubled conscience now.

However, even his own son committed suicide because of what his father did and now the old geezer will die in prison so what exactly does he have to be happy about?

. . . I think maybe a con man just enjoys working the con!
London Rayne's Avatar
You would be surprised what you can convince your mind to feel...and how you can in fact train it to work FOR you and not against you. I have never been to prison, but I have in fact lived outside of walls feeling as if I could not get out of them...back when I was young. I won't elaborate, but I finally found a place where I was truly happy with no money, no friends, no way to pay any bills, and it was the most peaceful time ever in my life.

When you have nothing...you have nothing to worry about.
Replies the scorpion: "Its my nature..."
anaximander's Avatar
The mind is a terrible thing to taste.

Madoff may be trying to convince himself
more than anyone else.
Do you have a son?
If you don't, the loss can't be related.
If you do, I don't have to say a thing.
Other than how fucked up would you be?
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I have very close friends who lost a son when he committed suicide.

From the intimate contact I have had with them and listening to their anguish, such a tragedy has totally wrecked their lives.

However, the cause of the suicide did not stem from anything they personally did, but the loss was still so turbulent that even now 18 years later, they have not recovered and become emotional wrecks just talking about the grisly details of the event even to this day.

This man, Madoff was directly responsible for the suicide of his own son so you would think that the impact would be much more severe, but the sonofabitch says he is the happiest now than he has been in 20 years even in prison for 150 years!

. . . I don't buy it!

London Rayne's Avatar
It's called repression, and it's very common. Psychology 101 people. Men tell themselves every day cheating is not wrong and they don't feel bad about it...end result is they really don't feel bad!

Granted, I am not sub-human so if I were to lose a child especially if it were my fault, I would probably kill myself. Some people are just sociopaths who really don't feel much at all until it's too late...he may very well be one of those people.
budman33's Avatar
Depends on the wife.