The emergence of ISIS is a direct result of the Iraq war that Bush started

just a little reminder to my republican friends. History has proven that Saddam by virtue of his dictatorship was an Allie of the US. Additionally, ISIS is a direct result of Saddam being ousted from power and the resultant vaccum it created. It also made IRAN a stronger nation and a real nuclear threat.

All of this was caused by George W Bush.

Something else to keep in mind my republican friends is that fast and furious was also a program that was started and implemented under George W Bush. So you can stop the fake Eric Holder bashing.He's proven to be the greatest AG in the history of the US. I'm extremely proud and will really miss him.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Zany, you're as hilarious as BL, because Odumbo's former Secretary of State already stated that it's Odumbo's fault!

Hildabeast: 'Failure' to Help Syrian Rebels Led to the Rise of ISIS

President Odumbo has long ridiculed the idea that the U.S., early in the Syrian civil war, could have shaped the forces fighting the Assad regime, thereby stopping al Qaeda-inspired groups—like the one rampaging across Syria and Iraq today—from seizing control of the rebellion. In an interview in February, the president told me that “when you have a professional army ... fighting against a farmer, a carpenter, an engineer who started out as protesters and suddenly now see themselves in the midst of a civil conflict—the notion that we could have, in a clean way that didn’t commit U.S. military forces, changed the equation on the ground there was never true.”

Well, his former secretary of state, Hildabeast, isn’t buying it. In an interview with me earlier this week, she used her sharpest language yet to describe the "failure" that resulted from the decision to keep the U.S. on the sidelines during the first phase of the Syrian uprising.

“The failure to help build up a credible fighting force of the people who were the originators of the protests against Assad—there were Islamists, there were secularists, there was everything in the middle—the failure to do that left a big vacuum, which the jihadists have now filled,” Hildabeast said.

Foreign policy decisions under President Odumbo have allowed Islamic terrorists to gain a better footing in the Middle East, former Secretary of State Hildabeast said this week.

Furthermore, Odumbo took credit for contributing to the Arab Spring movement that brought civil war to Syria, and it's in Syria's civil war that ISIS was born, Zaney:
Is the Arab Spring really an "American" Revolution? According to President Odumbo and his speechwriters, the answer is, surprisingly, yes.

Odumbo even harkened back to his speech in Cairo two years ago as if to suggest that he was ahead of the curve -- that it was his oratory that foreshadowed, perhaps even helped spearhead, the dramatic change taking place today. He claimed to affirm in Cairo the sentiment that "the status quo is not sustainable" (a favorite theme of the Arab Spring).
Zaney, you're as hilarious as BL, because Odumbo's former Secretary of State already stated that it's Odumbo's fault!

Originally Posted by I B Hankering

Ohh did he now. you're all over the map trying to link whatever sources you can to peddle your rabbid mind theories. It's clear Bush was at fault for all of his lies that killed thousands of US soldiers so he could settle a personal vendetta. Bush didn't give a fuck about killing or capturing Bin-Laden so he peddled his theory of WMD's, killed all our boys and then created a vacuum for ISIS to exist. Hey moron you can't organize a group of well funded militia and volunteers that soon after Syria. No my friend this started clearly after the Iraq war but unfortunately only the sane amongst us can see it. ;-)
I B Hankering's Avatar
Ohh did he now. you're all over the map trying to link whatever sources you can to peddle your rabbid mind theories. It's clear Bush was at fault for all of his lies that killed thousands of US soldiers so he could settle a personal vendetta. Bush didn't give a fuck about killing or capturing Bin-Laden so he peddled his theory of WMD's, killed all our boys and then created a vacuum for ISIS to exist. Hey moron you can't organize a group of well funded militia and volunteers that soon after Syria. No my friend this started clearly after the Iraq war but unfortunately only the sane amongst us can see it. ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
So you're so Kool Aid drunk that you're now calling Odumbo and Hildabeast liars, zany? The sources cited above quoting Odumbo and Hildabeast show you to be the Kool Aid drunk liar, zany.
So you're so Kool Aid drunk that you're now calling Odumbo and Hildabeast liars, zany? The sources cited above quoting Odumbo and Hildabeast show you to be the Kool Aid drunk liar, zany. Originally Posted by I B Hankering

I figured you'd lose it. It's what all turncoats eventually do
I B Hankering's Avatar
I figured you'd lose it. It's what all turncoats eventually do Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
You're the Kool Aid sotted Odumbotron who is calling Odumbo and Hildabeast liars, zany. So it seems you're the one who is the apparent "turncoat" and who mentally out of kilter, zany.
lustylad's Avatar
That's right, Zanyzit, not only are your "blame Bush" assertions ignorant and unsubstantiated, they are directly contradicted by Hillary Clinton. As your Secretary of State from 2009-2012, she knows the facts a little better than you do, don't you think?

ISIS found a fertile vacuum in Syria. Absent the Arab spring in early 2011, ISIS could not have gained traction. So blame the Arab spring and its progenitors, like Obama. He admits he lit the fire with his 2009 Cairo speech. Pay attention, little boy, and stop making things up.
That's right, Zanyzit, not only are your "blame Bush" assertions ignorant and unsubstantiated, they are directly contradicted by Hillary Clinton. As your Secretary of State from 2009-2012, she knows the facts a little better than you do, don't you think? Originally Posted by lustylad
Hey lazylad. Contradictions are part of the game especially when one is running for office. but I support my beloved Hilary as long as she beats the Manchurian republican candidate whoever that may be. ;-) and for the record I've not seriously considered none of your sources. I'd need to check into it myself. I don't trust a fucking thing you clowns post
After 6 years, I's STILL Bush's fault.

Get a Fukin' life.
I vote we blame Charles Martel for this mess.
Zany, you forgot the Taliban were the direct result of Reagan fighting the Soviets in Afghanistan argument also.

In fact, let's just blame the Republicans for enabling the Muslims in 620 AD.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
just a little reminder to my republican friends. History has proven that Saddam by virtue of his dictatorship was an Allie of the US. Additionally, ISIS is a direct result of Saddam being ousted from power and the resultant vaccum it created. It also made IRAN a stronger nation and a real nuclear threat.

All of this was caused by George W Bush.

Something else to keep in mind my republican friends is that fast and furious was also a program that was started and implemented under George W Bush. So you can stop the fake Eric Holder bashing.He's proven to be the greatest AG in the history of the US. I'm extremely proud and will really miss him. Originally Posted by Zanzibar789

You want some truth with that tired rant? Let me see...what did the left say about Iraq? Oh right, there were no terrorists in Iraq. This was about oil and payback for George Bush 41. So there were no terrorists in Iraq when Bush invaded. So where did they come from? We have also been told that Al Queada was in tatters and Bin Laden was dead as late as 2012. So there could be no terrorists in Iraq until afterwards....that is, if you believe Obama. No, these terrorists had to have come from Syria and we all know how the invasion of Syria by George Bush went You mean that Bush did not invade Syria and Syria went to shit well after Bush left office? Logic says that ISIS started under Obama, grew under Obama, and became a threat under Obama. Probably while Obama was out golfing.

That little program under Bush, that Bush shut down (repeat: SHUTDOWN!) was started back up under Holder and Obama. They failed to keep track of the weapons but did not shut it down. No, you can squeal all you want, this is Holder and Obama holding that automatic weapon.

As for Holder, can you tell me one thing that he actually accomplished. Something good for the country or law enforcement?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Ohh did he now. you're all over the map trying to link whatever sources you can to peddle your rabbid mind theories. It's clear Bush was at fault for all of his lies that killed thousands of US soldiers so he could settle a personal vendetta. Bush didn't give a fuck about killing or capturing Bin-Laden so he peddled his theory of WMD's, killed all our boys and then created a vacuum for ISIS to exist. Hey moron you can't organize a group of well funded militia and volunteers that soon after Syria. No my friend this started clearly after the Iraq war but unfortunately only the sane amongst us can see it. ;-) Originally Posted by Zanzibar789
HE didn't do anything. The former secretary of state for Obama was a woman (so I've been told), Hillary Clinton. I thought you knew that.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Zany, you're as hilarious as BL, because Odumbo's former Secretary of State already stated that it's Odumbo's fault!

Furthermore, Odumbo took credit for contributing to the Arab Spring movement that brought civil war to Syria, and it's in Syria's civil war that ISIS was born, Zaney:
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
So you've now discovered that Hildbeast is a term used in the text of the sources you auote, you libelous criminal.

Just like Odumbo, you shit wallowing, immature little boy.
gfejunkie's Avatar
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