Mississippi Election system racist?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar


out of all the 50 states, Mississippi has a unique election system for electing a governor.

they're using a similar system the way our president is selected via electoral college.

they say its racist since it was adopted in 1890 during the era of jim crow laws. it was supposed to reduce black voting influence.

they may well be right, but it has not worked that way in practice.

Eric Holder says it violates 1 vote, 1 person principle.

what about this so called alternate voting system or the proportional voting system?? doesn't that violate 1 vote, 1 person rule????

Mississippi's system is interesting... it does solve some issues with democrat dominated cities having an unhealthy say on who's gonna be governor.

whats your thoughts?
  • oeb11
  • 07-06-2020, 08:57 AM
Eric holder "Unbiased" - Oh Nooooo!
your link does not come up - DF.

Ms. has long been regarded as a battleground against racism - The murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner, james meredith matriculates at UM.

all historical lessons - which I suspect the Cancel culture has no idea of due to their teacher's Union educations.

Ms. seems in the hands of the radical Dems these days - with their flag down and "industrial institutional 'racism' by whites everywhere OBLM points fingers.

If ms. chooses to re-evaluate its voting procedures to ensure one-peson one vote - I am fine with it.

Unfortunately - the LibDems see it as a chance to legalize their voting crimes of ballot stuffing, voting crimes, and election fraud from the White fraud of the 1950's and prior under Jim Crow laws - to a new OBLM and a few white Lib Dems Vote domination of the state.

One party rule is their aim - and Marxism is the Game.
Eric holder "Unbiased" - Oh Nooooo!
your link does not come up - DF.

Ms. has long been regarded as a battleground against racism - The murders of Chaney, Goodman, and Schwerner, james meredith matriculates at UM.

all historical lessons - which I suspect the Cancel culture has no idea of due to their teacher's Union educations.

Ms. seems in the hands of the radical Dems these days - with their flag down and "industrial institutional 'racism' by whites everywhere OBLM points fingers.

If ms. chooses to re-evaluate its voting procedures to ensure one-peson one vote - I am fine with it.

Unfortunately - the LibDems see it as a chance to legalize their voting crimes of ballot stuffing, voting crimes, and election fraud from the White fraud of the 1950's and prior under Jim Crow laws - to a new OBLM and a few white Lib Dems Vote domination of the state.

One party rule is their aim - and Marxism is the Game. Originally Posted by oeb11
FYI. the link does work.

Beyond that I agree largely with everything you say.
  • oeb11
  • 07-06-2020, 09:04 AM
EL- Thank you - i tried the link again and only get a blank white screen.

Tis OK.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
EL- Thank you - i tried the link again and only get a blank white screen.

Tis OK. Originally Posted by oeb11

what browser are you using?
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
Isn't that the beauty of liberalism. You can call anyone or anything racist and no one is allowed to contradict you.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
think about where they are going with this. they want to kill off the electoral college.

they say Mississippi's election system which is based on America's electoral college system is racist.

depending on how the courts rule in their finding and they find Mississippi's system is racist, does this mean that America's electoral college system is racist???
What's so bad about being racist?
pfunkdenver's Avatar
What's so bad about being racist? Originally Posted by yitzchak


showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another."

If that is acceptable to you, I pity you.
Ripmany's Avatar
It just does not favor a big as city, just some big city liberal doesn't make it raceis. Just think if what cause the civil war not a single person in state that left voted for fuck tArd Abraham Lincoln, but he won, just think if only one state was a blue state and
  • oeb11
  • 07-08-2020, 11:06 AM
OBLM and their race-baiter enablers and fomenters such as Al sharpton are the greatest source of Racism in America!!!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
how do you think the courts will rule?
sportfisherman's Avatar
Certainly these election shenanigans are racist.They are intended to dilute or limit the impact of diverse voters and therefore maintain a white predominant outcome.

They are going beyond that in trying to keep people from voting absentee or mail-in.

It's quite telling that supposedly we have a Democracy where Voting is the foundation and we have the Republicans and a Fake Illegitimate Reality TV Pres that doesn't want people to vote.

A president of a democracy who wants to limit and restrict voting by people who probably would not be voting for him !!
  • oeb11
  • 07-09-2020, 07:23 AM
"Racism" is just a LibDem talking point word for an excuse to rig the voting system in their favor in perpetuity.

It is not about equality - One man-One vote - it is about using every dirty trick to ballot stuff elections - and scream that republicans are doing exactly what the LibDems are doing to rig elections into perpetuity.

If a Libdems lips are moving - it is a Lie!