GA. Calls out National Guard

DFWClubgoer's Avatar
This a copy and paste of my post in Dallas sandbox.

Come on! Where are all the liberals? 3 weeks ago it was racist and the right trying to divide the country. It took a weekend of widespread “black on black” violence to shut you up! Man that was easy, too bad you don’t care unless it’s a cop or white person! Shame on all of you! Dead is Dead, black, brown, yellow or red.

Your rights to bitch and moan are revoked, you failed to exercise you humanity and therefore have lost it!

What happened to George Floyd was horrible, I don’t anyone that doesn’t think so. What happened this weekend was beyond horrible and not a peep from you guys.

I guess we know what’s important to the left now, it’s not that BLM it’s who does the killing
eccieuser9500's Avatar

And you posted this twice?

Confused alright.
  • oeb11
  • 07-07-2020, 07:41 PM
n Chomsky weeping - people understand his Lies.
winn dixie's Avatar

And you posted this twice?

Confused alright. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
dAt bEe raCEst'
HedonistForever's Avatar
The "liberals" are only concerned with one thing right now, beating Trump and taking back power. Complaining about one of their biggest blocks of voters, Blacks, is not something they want to go near no matter how many dead Black children are gunned down.

I can imagine the conversation going something like this, using the new slogan being used by the parents of these dead children.

"Enough is enough"! We have to do something about all this killing! Yes we do but just not right now. Lets hold off until we win this election and then we'll fix this problem that we haven't fixed in decades of trying.

"We need to get all these guns off the streets"! Yes, but then we would have to arrest thousands of young Black males and we need their votes right now, so let's hold off on that idea till after the election.

"We have to stop turning these criminals lose only to go back into the same neighborhood and commit the same crimes again. "Yes, we'll address that too, right after the election".

Election comes, Biden is President, the Dems have the House and Senate and BLM tells Biden, Pelosi and Shumer, it's time to pony up and meet our demands. First, we want reparations, not a discussion, we want to see the money! Then we want to see all police fired and we will patrol our own streets like Chop did. But didn't some Black folks get killed in CHOP? Yeah but that was before we took total control of law enforcement. Then we want jobs and a minimum wage of $25 an hour and if you can't find the jobs, make them up. Everybody that says they want a job, gets $25 and hour for an 8 hour day whether they do anything or not.

Sure, I can see this working....... not!
Munchmasterman's Avatar
This post says it all.
Too bad you only get your info from this site or some other site that helps you imagine this bullshit. And since you don't read "LSM" you wouldn't know what "liberals" think.
Too bad you don't take the time to ask what liberals think....instead of telling them what you think they think.

trumpys are concerned with the same thing they have been for the last 3.5 years. Ignoring trump's crimes and enabling his lies.
That's all in the public record.
Your version is only in the heads of the trumpys.

Not all trumpys are racists but trump is the poster child for the racist causes. He does it because it works on y'all.

The "liberals" are only concerned with one thing right now, beating Trump and taking back power. Complaining about one of their biggest blocks of voters, Blacks, is not something they want to go near no matter how many dead Black children are gunned down.

I can imagine the conversation going something like this, using the new slogan being used by the parents of these dead children.

"Enough is enough"! We have to do something about all this killing! Yes we do but just not right now. Lets hold off until we win this election and then we'll fix this problem that we haven't fixed in decades of trying.

"We need to get all these guns off the streets"! Yes, but then we would have to arrest thousands of young Black males and we need their votes right now, so let's hold off on that idea till after the election.

"We have to stop turning these criminals lose only to go back into the same neighborhood and commit the same crimes again. "Yes, we'll address that too, right after the election".

Election comes, Biden is President, the Dems have the House and Senate and BLM tells Biden, Pelosi and Shumer, it's time to pony up and meet our demands. First, we want reparations, not a discussion, we want to see the money! Then we want to see all police fired and we will patrol our own streets like Chop did. But didn't some Black folks get killed in CHOP? Yeah but that was before we took total control of law enforcement. Then we want jobs and a minimum wage of $25 an hour and if you can't find the jobs, make them up. Everybody that says they want a job, gets $25 and hour for an 8 hour day whether they do anything or not.

Sure, I can see this working....... not! Originally Posted by HedonistForever
People like you, as well as other trumpys, have made it so the black vote will go to the dems without making big-time promises to any group. Because y'all have alienated large numbers of suburban women, seniors, non-college-educated males, and 70% of independents.
Let me thank you for your help in getting the swing states back.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This post says it all.
Too bad you only get your info from this site or some other site that helps you imagine this bullshit. And since you don't read "LSM" you wouldn't know what "liberals" think.
Too bad you don't take the time to ask what liberals think....instead of telling them what you think they think.

trumpys are concerned with the same thing they have been for the last 3.5 years. Ignoring trump's crimes and enabling his lies.
That's all in the public record.
Your version is only in the heads of the trumpys.

Not all trumpys are racists but trump is the poster child for the racist causes. He does it because it works on y'all.

People like you, as well as other trumpys, have made it so the black vote will go to the dems without making big-time promises to any group. Because y'all have alienated large numbers of suburban women, seniors, non-college-educated males, and 70% of independents.
Let me thank you for your help in getting the swing states back.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

crimes? what crimes? where are the crimes, muncher? Trump committed one "crime" .. he won the election.

all of your so-called "stats" come from the same "unbiased" sources that said Clinton would win easily in 2016. how'd that work out for ya?

  • oeb11
  • 07-08-2020, 04:44 PM
TWK - Agreed - DPST's have been on a four year hissy fit - and not letting up at all.
HedonistForever's Avatar
And if Biden, Sanders and the gang of 4 win, I'll be thanking Democrats for returning the power in 2 to 4 years when the "woke" generation find that their dream turned into a nightmare.
DFWClubgoer's Avatar
Punctuation, after this past weekend! That’s what you’re worried about?

Tells me all I need to know about you.

All those dead people and worried about punctuation on whore board.

You must on your Period! Nice try little girl.

Just too easy with you guys!

And you posted this twice?

Confused alright. Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
  • oeb11
  • 07-09-2020, 08:32 AM
And if Biden, Sanders and the gang of 4 win, I'll be thanking Democrats for returning the power in 2 to 4 years when the "woke" generation find that their dream turned into a nightmare. Originally Posted by HedonistForever

One of teh first things a DPST controlled government will do - is ban free and open elections - thee will be only one party in 2024.

2022 will be used to identify 'enemies of the state ' for liquidation.
HedonistForever's Avatar
This post by HF says it all.
Originally Posted by Munchmasterman

Yes, I agree. I think I covered everything quite nicely.
HedonistForever's Avatar
One of teh first things a DPST controlled government will do - is ban free and open elections - thee will be only one party in 2024.

2022 will be used to identify 'enemies of the state ' for liquidation. Originally Posted by oeb11

No, if Democrats tried to ban open and free elections, the party would be over and armed revolution would ensue. I simple can not imagine that for America.

Democrats will for sure try to stack the deck by giving all 11 to 20 million illegals the right to vote thinking it would insure their perpetuation of power but if they can't govern and even the illegals see that, the tide will change but short of that, I believe more Republicans and Independents have more guns than Democrats and you know what would happen if they tried to ban weapons.
  • oeb11
  • 07-09-2020, 03:58 PM
HF - I again hope U are correct - but i believe the DPST's will be emboldened by an election success - and Soros will demand his payment in imposing socialism on America for his money supporting radical socialists.
The DPST's are dominated by radical marxists - AOC , et al - funded by soros- and they will shunt biden out quickly and replace with a radical marxist.

Their ideology is more to them than common sense - they will ban free elections - and mask it as giving the vote to all who choose to enter america and get free stuff from teh DPST's - and will strip anyone not 'Woke" of voting privileges - as a vote against 'woke' is 'hate speech".
DPST's will impose One Party elections - as russia and China.

Armed civil War is coming for sure if Biden is elected.

maybe Trump can change the Trajectory - I am unsure.

Arm yourself while you can - the second Amendment is early on the DPST chopping block if they win.