review posting

how do i get all my reviews from the locker room to my profile and how do i get the locker room reviews and profile reviews to my p411
Torito's Avatar
If someone were reviewed in the Locker Room, that would not actually be a review. It would be a Locker Room thread and would stay in the Locker

I am also curious how a lady "reviewed" in the Locker Room would even be aware of it, since she would not have access.

i was under UTR bc of the people i emailed u about so i asked if there was a private place in chat and they said yeah so i asked for whoever to post my reviews in there i actually dont even know if i have any i was just hopin so and seein if there was any if i could have them but i understand if its private, so how do i get my reviews from my profile to my p411???
Torito's Avatar
i was under UTR bc of the people i emailed u about so i asked if there was a private place in chat and they said yeah so i asked for whoever to post my reviews in there i actually dont even know if i have any i was just hopin so and seein if there was any if i could have them but i understand if its private, so how do i get my reviews from my profile to my p411??? Originally Posted by TiffanyTexas

I don't know how to answer your question about how to get yourreviews toP411. I would suggest that you inquire at P411. They will probably be able to tell you how to post the links. If you should need more help from someone here, post again or PM another mod with more skills than I.

ok thanks babe i'll figure it out somehow, i do have a p411 but didnt realize they were 2 totally diff things that werent connected
Torito's Avatar
P411 is a totally separate business.

ok can u please take this infraction off my profile
Torito's Avatar
It shows 0 points.
