My Recent Review

Q.....I need to address the height issue. You posted I'm 5'5 and I'm really 5'8. How many times have you seen me? Granted I'm laying down or on top of you most of time, but there are times when I'm standing. LOL

To those who choose to make my life their business, I'm so glad I take up so much space in your head. It truly flatters me that you dedicate time to make posts about me, even though you claim to dislike me and insult me.

You can call me a whore, it doesn't bother me because its all a matter of semantics at the end of the day. But, take a look in the mirror and see what you are at the end of the day. You're just a trick and not even a good one at that.

You talk tough, insult and try to belittle on a hooker board. LOL How tough you are. I just adore internet tough guys. If given the chance, I highly doubt you'd say 1/4 of the trash you spew in person.

I've been back for two months, been pretty quiet on the board, kept to myself and have changed my attitude about numerous things......why? Because I have bigger problems in life than the squabble that's taken place in the past on a hooker board. Its none of yours or anyone else's business why I came out of retirement, Why some of you who claim to dislike me even care is beyond me.

The exact things you accused me of Fletcher in your post, you're more than guilty of yourself. I saw you try to belittle Olivia in a post not too long ago. Hell, you've belittled and insulted almost every chick in the NE forum.

If you don't like me, don't respond to my reviews, you have nothing to add to them except the negative spew. You don't like me, don't post about me.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't adults supposed to act like adults? One of my nieces told me this past weekend when asked about one of her friends, "I don't talk to her because I don't like her.....I just ignore her and all is good." Hmmm....seems some could take a lesson from a 10 yr old.

I am done with this, no need to give either Fletcher or Peter anymore of my valuable time. You're nothing but bugs who get caught in the grill of my SUV while driving 80 mph. The scary thing about you two, you've either procreated or are going to procreate in the future. God help us.

Yep, kitty still has her claws. This is the last time I'll use them in this fashion though. I'd much rather use them to run down a guy's chest or back.

Everyone else, have a wonderful weekend and try to stay warm. For those of you in the panhandle, hope you don't get snowed in.
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
Elena, just ignore them. It is know ones business why you do what ever you do. They apparently have been taught by being bad/mean they get attention and although not positive attention, its attention. Best thing to do is everyone ignore them and they will fade away.
No ones takes what they say serious anyways.
There's a ass or two in every group!
Well stated by both of the ladies above.

For us guys on here, there has been plenty of discussion about how a provider Takes Care of Business. Discussions about professionalism. And plenty of discussion about mood, atmosphere and attitude during a session.

Well, that cuts both ways. If someone is going to post onto a review and just be an obnoxious jerk or for some reason has a stick, or something with batteries, stuck up their ass and not really contribute to the original posting, well, fuck 'em. They're gonna get called out and they deserve it.

Yeah, they aren't being professional as a "hobbyist". We expect them, the providers, to operate with a modicum of professionalism and even courtesy, and there is no reason for the hobbyist to act less than that.

You get what you give, brothers and sisters.

We're all grown ups and we can all take plenty of bullshit and criticism, but when it's just so plain to anyone that someone is trolling on a board, well, we, or I'll speak for myself, I, don't have to put up with it.
E and Y

The best part of this conversation is I could call you anytime and you will see me. Neither one of you have a clue as to who I am in real life, none of the girls on this board for that matter know my real name, or have I ever used peter as a reference for screening. I have seen you both. I just find it amusing how some people on this board think there is a real friendship to certain hookers. They are friendly to you because they are in the service industry, but to quote a book I bought in Thailand No Money No Honey.
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  • 10-04-2013, 09:02 AM
E and Y

I just find it amusing how some people on this board think there is a real friendship to certain hookers. They are friendly to you because they are in the service industry, but to quote a book I bought in Thailand No Money No Honey. Originally Posted by peter griffin

Most of us do not truly consider the provider/client relationship as a true friendship. Sure, there are ones that you may get close to over the years and share some sort of bond with but at the end of the day it's an industry that we choose to partake in. The important thing to understand is that we are all human here. We all have families, friends, wants and desires in life. At no time should anyone want to degrade someone just for their job and lifestyle. These wonderful ladies provide a service and the most important thing to remember is that they are a LADY...that is all
Ms.Lady Y's Avatar
E and Y

The best part of this conversation is I could call you anytime and you will see me. Neither one of you have a clue as to who I am in real life, none of the girls on this board for that matter know my real name, or have I ever used peter as a reference for screening. I have seen you both. I just find it amusing how some people on this board think there is a real friendship to certain hookers. They are friendly to you because they are in the service industry, but to quote a book I bought in Thailand No Money No Honey. Originally Posted by peter griffin
I do know you real name, you made the mistake of setting up an appt with me and then while together telling me you were peter on eccie. Shall we say it starts with a S.
LayneLaughlin's Avatar
Neither one of you have a clue as to who I am in real life, none of the girls on this board for that matter know my real name, or have I ever used peter as a reference for screening. Originally Posted by peter griffin
Au contraire, mon ami. Don't be thinking you're so mysterious...
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Shall we say it starts with a S. Originally Posted by Ms.Lady Y
sexuser's Avatar
Sounds like Ms Lady Y's "got your #", so to speak. That's a pretty arrogant attitude you have there dude. I'm not perfect either. I have had 2 instances in my 2 years on ECCIE where I lost my composure about some things that happened with me. I've learned and moved on. Ms Elena may have a heavily opinionated and controversial past on this board. And there are some who don't like her. I have only seen her on a very limited basis, but she was very nice to me when I visited her. I personally don't have a problem with Elena. And like she has said, she has been very quiet this time around, until this thread, at least. Providers may claim retirement from time to time. . If they're reputable, then most hobbyists hope that these select few ladies don't retire for good; but we wish them well in any future endeavors. . And if things did not pan out the way Elena wanted with her other venture, that's unfortunate, but ok. I applaud her for her efforts. . So if I may take a line from the movie "STRIPES", "Lighten up Francis."
MsE, outside of the obvious wrong height listing, the review he gave was really good. Unfortunately a couple idiots decided to post on the thread with unrelated garbage. The one has never posted a message that was worth reading that I can remember.

For the most part, unless it is a true error like a trip to Greece occurred when it didn't, most of the time it isn't worth the time posting on the petty nonsense that a few hobby people seem to post. Usually the guys will call out BS on the other guy, and the ladies can stay above the nonsense. I would rather you take the time to get some new pictures and post a few here from time to time.
MOCHAakaMOCHA's Avatar
mbinlincoln's Avatar
Stud. Stud starts with "S."
LNK's Avatar
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  • 10-04-2013, 01:58 PM
We all know who the trolls are, and who has personal "issues" with others. It's taken into account. Newbies may not know, but it doesn't take long to learn.

Starting a thread like this just feeds them.

Slimy, Skunk, Serpent, Scoundrel, Swindler, Scummy, and Snake also start with an "S".
The additional review comments probably not necessary but Elena don't you find it odd that you seem to bring more drama than any of the other providers? You say it's because you "speak your mind" but you rather often have or still post passive agressive nonsense, get called out for it and then are shocked when people respond.

It's like a child that does something wrong, gets in trouble and asks "what did I do?"

You are probably a good provider but there are many on this board that will not see you because you are you. Yes you will respond that you are busy all the time but I'm sure more business would not be a bad thing.

Look in your mirror yourself and you will see why people respond to you and it's not always in a positive light. It's not because you have a strong opinion, many on this board have strong opinions but do not get called out as often as you. I doubt it's everyone else...and this coming from someone who doesn't even know you or ever seen you.
The additional review comments probably not necessary but Elena don't you find it odd that you seem to bring more drama than any of the other providers? You say it's because you "speak your mind" but you rather often have or still post passive agressive nonsense, get called out for it and then are shocked when people respond.

It's like a child that does something wrong, gets in trouble and asks "what did I do?"

You are probably a good provider but there are many on this board that will not see you because you are you. Yes you will respond that you are busy all the time but I'm sure more business would not be a bad thing.

Look in your mirror yourself and you will see why people respond to you and it's not always in a positive light. It's not because you have a strong opinion, many on this board have strong opinions but do not get called out as often as you. I doubt it's everyone else...and this coming from someone who doesn't even know you or ever seen you. Originally Posted by GoBlue34z
I had this long post written out, but decided against posting it because I've been quiet since I've been back, I have a different outlook on life since coming back.

Negative comments in a review don't belong there unless it has something to do with the business aspect of it. Not liking someone and insulting them in a review doesn't do any good and they're NOT necessary.

Thanks for your critique, appreciate your feedback.