fake sign language impersonator

VitaMan's Avatar
A lady at the Tampa law enforcement news conference doing the sign language turned out to be a complete fake, just making it up. There is video. She has no explanation as to why she does it. No one at the department was aware of it, since that job is contracted out.

It just doesn't get any better than that.
  • pxmcc
  • 12-09-2017, 09:39 PM
I hear it's a good gig if you can get it..

i re-read your title. damn! so she was impersonating someone doing fake sign language? that's like as legit as Vegas..
VitaMan's Avatar
Yes, she doesn't even work there. Just showed up, pretending to be the sign language person that was hired from outside. Video is real good.
so a fake impersonator?
Champagne Brown's Avatar
I finally got to see the video on my fb, I couldn't tell the difference.. Lol