Follow up, female condoms, Providers who use or support the use of

Sinclar's Avatar
Follow up thread to my female condom opinion thread.

Wondering what providers out there use or support the use of female condoms.

I myself couldn't buy them. would have to answer many a question as why the hell am I buying them. I would be willing to pay the cost if someone else got them for a meeting though.

I know of a few from my other post but this could be a nice thread to look at if one wishes to try them out.

Thanks all.
Audreyg's Avatar
I use them.
SknyDiva's Avatar
I used them.
FC2's are absolutely amazing!
getsum69's Avatar
I like um
After having the most amusing experience with them recently, I have joined the team of providers who offer female condoms as part of their repertoire

[FONT="Century Gothic"]After having the most amusing experience with them recently, I have joined the team... Originally Posted by ZorahMatta
Ok so I HAVE to inquire further about the amusing experience. Please share of PM and feel free to leave out names!!!
Galadan, I am hoping the gentleman in question will post a review as it was a session most deserving of one.
After watching this, I will supply my next provider with some FC2's! Hilarious!
Galadan, I am hoping the gentleman in question will post a review as it was a session most deserving of one. Originally Posted by ZorahMatta
Well if not, you HAVE to share!!!
There you go.

By the way, Galadan, great choice of lyrics on your signature. One of my favorite songs of all times!
There you go.

By the way, Galadan, great choice of lyrics on your signature. One of my favorite songs of all times!
Originally Posted by ZorahMatta

Thanks for the link, and the lyrics props. I change them from time to time, mood to mood. Some reflection eve go in my blog. Appreciate you noticing!