Name your own rates.... ?

Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
Well, I decided to experiment with my rates and run a unique special. Any that has seen my most recent ad may know this ... but basically I stated that you tell me what you can afford and I tell you what I can do. I asked to be respectful in the offers... but apparently that was my mistake. Everyone's definition of "respectful" is different.

I should have known better. But I ran this special for individuals that wanted to meet me but were short on cash not for men to try and take advantage of my kindness.

I want to say thank you for the gentlemen that were respectful in their offers and I will honor those specials. But when a girl offers a special ecspecially one as generous as this please don't try to get even more for less. I can't speak for all the ladies only myself, but it truly is an insult.

Let me give you an example:

[Staff edit. M]

Unfortunately, there were very few guys that were respectful in their offers and several that were exactly as I described. I responded back to each one respectfully and said I am sorry I cannot accept that offer. But I am cancelling this special. I cannot edit my ad or I would simply just do that. If you are interested in the new special I am running you can pm me.

Why must people take advantage or want more and more for less ?
But hey.. I guess we are just hos anyways right ? LOL

Have a good day .. Play safe and naughty !
levi tab's Avatar
I've always wondered about Provider Ads, I've tried to hit the Reply button but it always tells me that I am not allowed to post a chance have you tried to reply to your ad and maybe ad the above post? I've seen Mokoa "bump" an ad when the Provider has limited computer access and can't post an ad, but never seen or heard of it being tried by a Provider.

Sorry, it didn't go as expected.
tallgeese's Avatar
I was quiet curious about your special. Sorry that happened to you. It's a shame such a inviting special was abused. Only wish I had the time to be able to take advantage of it earlier.
Jed Clampett's Avatar
Sorry this happened to you. I think your regular rates are fair, and yes, it probably was offensive when someone tried to offer only a tiny fraction of your regular rates. I have sold things before, and it pisses me off when people try to lowball me. I appreciate that you tried to do something innovative and new.
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
Thank you Jed. I was trying to change things up. I believe that my rates are fair for someone that has proven herself for years but I know that times can be tough and wanted to do something nice. I am tempted to say that if there are gentlemen out there that are wanting to take advantage of this special but can be fair to me as well they can send a pm.

I am not going through tough times, but I am going to play in a big tournament next month and I am wanting to make a good bankroll behind that before I go. SO it would have been a win - win situation.

But as I said... it was my mistake everyone's definition of respectful is different.
"you da hoe.......word!"
Naughty_Jezabelle's Avatar
What word ? ..... Oh shit... You are neon white lol
Jez, as many hobbyists there are that *complain* about high donations, and try to push for *lower* average donations...I believe that the majority, of hobbyists, are willing to go with a reasonable advertised donation.

I did this type of promotion about six years ago...and no one took me up on it. Although, the same week...I scheduled many appointments...and they left my regular donation plus tips! (lol)

I think this type of promotion...makes the hobbyist feel awkward. The true gentlemen of the hobby (which counts for the majority) do not want to *offend* us...nor want to feel cheap.

If you're trying to get more business for your Poker tournament...just post an ad letting them know what you WANT. I'm sure you have lots of willing gents that would love to help out! Good-luck hon!!
I applaud you for trying for sure.. like others have said here, having trying the same thing with no luck or getting a lot of disrespect.
Men will do what they can do at the moment they are wanting to play and will find someone in that frame they are seeking.
chin up and licks to ya babe
Jed Clampett's Avatar
Jez, poker.......that's cool. Maybe someday you can have a strip poker special, or strip poker tournament!
handyGiraffe's Avatar
Jez when you ask people to play at their lowest common denominator can't be shocked and amazed when you find out what it is....

The board is populated with people from a wide range of socioeconomic circumstances...and some people may not be able to pay the donation that a wonderfully normal..stunningly beautiful and intelligent woman of style and grace should be expected to be compensated for their time.....
Secret Encounters's Avatar
On topic .. sorry u had ppl trying to low ball u its rude and disrespectful and just not cool. As it is u give great sessions and worth it all and ur trying to be kind and extend this offer to them. If they cant be respectful and offer a deal in a decent range then they should just not respond. SMH!!!

[Staff edit. M]

OOooH and Jez i would love to doubles with u as well .. =]

well hun see u soon hot stuff !!
Chuck12's Avatar

I think this type of promotion...makes the hobbyist feel awkward. The true gentlemen of the hobby (which counts for the majority) do not want to *offend* us...nor want to feel cheap. Originally Posted by Likinikki
Nikki is right about this. Although, I like specials i usually just go with what is advertised. It is tough to know what crosses the "offensive" line while still trying to get the best deal possible.

I had only encountered such a special once when a provider in Houston offered it a couple years ago. It took me a while to figure out what my first offer should be because I was trying to find a good deal but I also did not want to go so low that it would end all communication.

[Staff edit. M]
[Staff edit. M] She asked if i wanted MSOG and I said no, and she said she liked my offer and services requested.
Kinda made you feel like you were on priceline, right? (lol)
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 05-22-2012, 08:26 PM
Unfortunately, there were very few guys that were respectful in their offers and several that were exactly as I described. I responded back to each one respectfully and said I am sorry I cannot accept that offer. But I am cancelling this special. I cannot edit my ad or I would simply just do that. If you are interested in the new special I am running you can pm me. Originally Posted by Naughty_Jezabelle
If you will send me a PM specifying what edits you wish to make to your ad, I can do them for you.

Also, I had to edit out all references to fees & services.