THANK YOU Veterans!!

As a retired Air Force Veteran myself, I just wanted to remind all that this three-day weekend wasn't intended only for camping, river floating hot dogs and BBQ's. But to remember all those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we Americans can enjoy the freedoms afforded to us.

To all hobbyists and providers that have served our glorious country that we call home... I wanted to say THANK YOU!

Always remember and never forget....
Thank you for your service Jake and to all others that served our country
bamatide's Avatar
Well stated Jake..thanks and God speed to all our brave men and women.
Special thanks for some very special people!
Jake I completely agree. Yes this is a three day weekend and I tend to classify it as a grocery store holiday. Put in the same realm as 4th of July and Labor Day. Sometimes we tend to forget just how much those in the military past and present. Those who have fallen and those who survived just how much they did to make this country what it is today.

It is Memorial day and let us remember that. It is not all about bbq's.

On this holiday let us always remember the sacrifices that they made for all of us.

Kudos to the awesome providers who are offering specials this week to those in the military. That is a wonderful gesture on your part.
Nutting Buckeye's Avatar
To my fellow Veterans, thanks for your service and sacrifices. Though you no longer have the watch; stand proud for ye are remembered.....America Salutes you!

To those Active Duty/Reservist Men N Women serving worldwide today. Standfast in your resolve and serve with Tradition, Honor, and Commitment. You have the watch! Your sacrifices are remembered and appreciated......America Salutes You!

To those who served our Great Nation and gave the Ultimate Sacrifice. Today is the day set aside to truly remember your unselfish acts of herorism and attention to duty. Lest we should and we shall be thankful and mindful of your sacrifice not only today but 365 days a year!!! You have the watch forever.....America Salutes You!
Mature Companion's Avatar

Besides being a proud parent of one serving our country, there's nothing that tugs at my heart more than the veterans that have served before them and the many vets that are left behind with no one to come home to.
So while everyone celebrates this holiday and are thankful to our veterans. Let's not forget about the MANY homeless veterans that walk amongst us EVERYDAY. They deserve better!!

Thank you for your sacrifice and service to our country. We're all strangers to you. Yet you put your life on the line for us. There's not enough Thank You's for that!
God bless you all.

As a retired Air Force Veteran myself, I just wanted to remind all that this three-day weekend wasn't intended only for camping, river floating hot dogs and BBQ's. But to remember all those that have paid the ultimate sacrifice so that we Americans can enjoy the freedoms afforded to us.

To all hobbyists and providers that have served our glorious country that we call home... I wanted to say THANK YOU!

Always remember and never forget.... Originally Posted by Jake63
Im running a special all week bacause i dont think a three day weekend justifies the time spent keeping us safe.

I'm that girl that is seen helping veterans everywhere , they protected my freedom the least i could do is hold open a door, or help them find something, even bought groceries for a vietnam vet.I not only care about veterans today, i care about them everyday. Wouldnt you want someone to help you?
Doc_rob's Avatar
Thank you, I have been involved in 3 wars. Some declared and some not. I lost many friends to the Vietnam War. I was in Southeast Asia, but the war was nearly over and being in the USAF, never saw any action. Maybe next year I'll have a Memorial Day party at my place.
Thats almost as many as my father has been in&&he is still currently contracting.
I have a strong patriotic passion for people who have served our country, i feel like they arent given as much thanks as they should be recieving. I volunteer and SAMC for the center for the intrepid and everyday i go im proud that i helped a soilder that day, made them see light at the end of the tunnel and make them feel wanted, intrigued and amused by another(I usually make them laugh because i have a southern belle/british accent)
Just wanted to send out a thanks to all our Vets and military men and women!!! You all are the best for fighting for our freedom!!! My son leaves in July for basic training and I cant even describe how proud I am of him, (also scared and sad to see him leave but proud). So again thank you and everyday should be memorial day for all of you!!!!

.....and yet another wonderful message from a very sincere lady --- very nice indeed
bamatide's Avatar
I would like to welcome your son to a great way of life. They make us all proud.
Thank you both, like i said so proud but he chose a scary job eod, thought of him working with bombs scares me to death!!! But he is a good kid he will be a great addition to our already great military men and women!!!