IRS Bites

Fast Gunn's Avatar
How is the IRS going to treat you this April? Are you getting a refund or having to pay them?

Personally, I find it a major pain in the butt just having to fill out the paper work, but a refund would at least alleviate some of the discomfort.

Lately, it seems like I have to pay on each paycheck and then pay through the nose again in April.

. . . It always feels like the IRS is sticking it to the taxpayer!

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 04-01-2012, 02:42 PM
A necessary evil.

I'm putting 1600 miles on interstate highways this weekend, so I'm feeling more comfortable that I'm getting something back for my taxes this week.
I wound up in the 26% tax bracket. But still, for all I get for it, I'm not complaining. Even on things the government does that I disagree with, I think my taxes are a great bang for the buck. The highway system. The schools. National defense. Homeland security (I may hate it, but it exists). Veterans affairs. Health & Human Services. FDA. The list goes on.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Yes, I suppose taxes are a necessary evil for a country to operate.

. . . I just wish my hard-earned money was not wasted on totally unnecessary wars!

Cpalmson's Avatar
Yes, I suppose taxes are a necessary evil for a country to operate.

. . . I just wish my hard-earned money was not wasted on totally unnecessary wars!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
I just wish my hard earned money was not wasted on welfare for crack-whores and their illegitimate kids-- you know the ones with 7 kids from 7 different sperm donors.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 04-01-2012, 05:01 PM
I just wish my hard earned money was not wasted on welfare for crack-whores and their illegitimate kids-- you know the ones with 7 kids from 7 different sperm donors. Originally Posted by Cpalmson
Totally agree. Hell I even agre with FG's first post, better mark the calendar on that one. But FG, if you love obaminable so much, how you gonna feel if he wins in november and doubles your taxes, and the only think you get is a jar of vaseline with sand in it?
shorty's Avatar
Shouldn't this thread be in The Sandbox Forum? It's a nonrelated hobby question. Now if the question was about getting a refund and would you use some or all of that refund to see your ATF provider, then yes it would belong here.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
I thought about it and the mods can move it if they so wish.

. . . Personally, I think the topic is very much hobby related as all the taxes we pay through the nose hurts the tight hobby budget.
Well, if you are getting a big refund, that simply means you paid in too much to the system during the tax year. Some say this is stupid, because you are letting the government use your money all year for free.

But I like getting a big fat refund. I delibertly have my payroll secretary pay in more each week, (I go single, no dependents, plus about $250) so at the end of the year I can get back about $15,000

Yeh, I know it's stupid.
Shouldn't this thread be in The Sandbox Forum? It's a nonrelated hobby question. Now if the question was about getting a refund and would you use some or all of that refund to see your ATF provider, then yes it would belong here. Originally Posted by shorty
You are correct sir.

I thought about it and the mods can move it if they so wish.

. . . Personally, I think the topic is very much hobby related as all the taxes we pay through the nose hurts the tight hobby budget.
Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
Now, if you can tell me how to deduct "entertainment expenses" we could move this back to Coed.

The Colonel
Fast Gunn's Avatar
There is a scene in the hit movie, Margin Call where one of the high rollers talks about how he spent the $2.4 Million he earned that year.

He said the IRS took 50% off the top, but he deducted what he spent on hookers by itemizing it as cost of business entertainment.

I believe it can be done with a good accountant to prepare your taxes.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 04-01-2012, 07:36 PM
And what you going to 1099 all the hookers? Good luck with
I have never complained about my taxes. Last year was an extraordinarily good year for me economically. In fact, I made much more than I have ever made in a single calendar year and certainly went into a higher tax bracket. That being the case, I am ok with how much I ended up paying. I hope I am equally as fortunate next year. If so, I will be more than happy to pay more taxes next year, as well!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Well, I suppose it's only money and I have plenty, but the principle still bothers me.

Nevertheless, I would feel better if that small fortune would be a refund to me instead of me cutting a check to The United States Treasury.

. . . I know I could spend that money more wisely than Uncle Sam and I would not have to invade a single country to do it either!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Pay in more, FastGoon, and you will get some back. Increase your withholding and quarterly payments, and you will get a refund. The only way you get a refund, unless you are "poor" is to pay in more than you owe.

I have an even better idea. Let's eliminate the income tax, and replace it with something inexpensive to administer and simple to understand.