Kissing is Good For You!

Cheesecake7's Avatar
From a recent medical Publication:

The scientific study of kissing is called “philematology” (philos in ancient Greek = earthly love). Kissing can involve a variety of different facial muscles, with the orbicularis oris being the main skeletal muscle involved. Simple kisses use as few as 2 muscles and burn only 2 to 3 calories, whereas passionate kissing can involve as many as 23 to 34 facial muscles and 112 postural muscles. The act of kissing consumes between 5 and 26 calories per minute. One website reported that the exercise involved in kissing helps prevent facial wrinkles!During kissing, couples exchange an average of 9 mL of water, 0.7 mg of protein, 0.18 mg of organic compounds, 0.71 mg of different fats, and 0.45 mg of sodium chloride.

Another interesting kiss-related tidbit is that the lips are 100 to 200 times more sensitive than the fingertips. Saliva production also is increased during active kissing. This may help to prevent tooth decay. Several websites reported that men who kissed their wives every morning live 5 years longer and make more money than men who fail to do this common morning ritual. Finally, one investigator noted decreased allergic propensity after kissing.
snowman123's Avatar
Kissing also transfers hormones between the sexes - men give women a little testosterone through saliva which stimulates a sexual response. So kissing will make you horny! Like I need help with that!