Hey Whirlway and COG did this poll slip past you?

wellendowed1911's Avatar

Ok a Gallup poll showed that Americans named Barack Obama the most admired man in America for the 5th straight and Hilliary as the most admired woman in America. Now, of course WW and COG were never going to post anything faorable about Obama- had Obama been voted least admirable WW would have a field day.
So WW Obama gets re-elected in 2012, wins Time Magazine Person of the Year and was voted as the most admirable man in America- go stick that in your pipe and smoke it WW and COG!!!!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
He makes sure he gets his face on TV enough and then there are those low information voters.
joe bloe's Avatar

Ok a Gallup poll showed that Americans named Barack Obama the most admired man in America for the 5th straight and Hilliary as the most admired woman in America. Now, of course WW and COG were never going to post anything faorable about Obama- had Obama been voted least admirable WW would have a field day.
So WW Obama gets re-elected in 2012, wins Time Magazine Person of the Year and was voted as the most admirable man in America- go stick that in your pipe and smoke it WW and COG!!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

I'd say Obama is a great choice for Time's person of the year. He fits right in.

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Hey Joe Bloe did you forget about this person who won the award twice?

joe bloe's Avatar
Hey Joe Bloe did you forget about this person who won the award twice?

Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

Even a blind hog finds an acorn sometimes.
Hey Whirly, America and Wisconsin is "Trending" Obama and Hillary!

Whirly, by the same token, America and Wisconsin is NOT "Trending" Romney!

Ok a Gallup poll showed that Americans named Barack Obama the most admired man in America for the 5th straight and Hilliary as the most admired woman in America. Now, of course WW and COG were never going to post anything faorable about Obama- had Obama been voted least admirable WW would have a field day.
So WW Obama gets re-elected in 2012, wins Time Magazine Person of the Year and was voted as the most admirable man in America- go stick that in your pipe and smoke it WW and COG!!!! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

You are just baiting the trolls...LOL
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Why would I post that? I disagree with it. The fact that Obama is the most admired man in the country bothers me. When he does something I agree with, I post it. It just doesn't happen very often. But I'm not going to post phony puff pieces about him. It seems the President is usually the most admired man, or one of the top three, even GWB. So it's not really a big deal.

How does that make me wrong in my assessment of him as the most corrupt, dishonest President in history? It just makes me one of the opposition. According to Hillary, that's patriotism.

I'd say Obama is a great choice for Time's person of the year. He fits right in.

Originally Posted by joe bloe
Good job, Joe.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Third runner up is back.
Third runner is up your backside again. enjoy Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
fixed foya
How does that make me wrong in my assessment of him as the most corrupt, dishonest President in history? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Oh, so now it's an "assessment?"

How convenient!

That doesn't alter the fact that you're still a lying sack of shit!
Elections aren't a popularity poll;

INFOGRAPHIC: Obama Lost Independent Vote In Almost Every Swing State

November 13, 2012 RSS Feed Print

President Barack Obama won a second term by taking the majority of swing states. But a closer look at exit polling data shows Obama lost the independent vote in most of those states over the last four years. Independents, who do not align with one political party or another, make up a fast-growing and coveted voting bloc.

A new infographic from marketing technology company Cognitive Match shows Obama garnered less of the independent vote in 2012 than 2008 in eight of the nine battleground states: Florida, Ohio, Virginia, Wisconsin, Colorado, Iowa, Nevada and New Hampshire.

Obama won more of the independent vote in just one battleground state, North Carolina; the only swing state Obama lost to the GOP nominee.

Things looked very different for Obama in 2008, when independent voters came out in huge numbers to support him. But there were indications throughout the president's first term that these voters had become disenchanted. Halfway through Obama's first term, the Los Angeles Times reported that independent voters "have swung dramatically in the other direction and are now deeply dissatisfied with [Obama's] job performance, the country's direction and the overall state of American politics," citing a poll from the nonprofit center-right group, the Independent Women's Voice.

Just before Election Day, the Wall Street Journal reported those polling numbers had hardly changed, with Romney overwhelmingly leading among independent voters across the country. Republican pollster Bill McInteruff told the Journal the Democrats were "really flirting with trouble if you're losing independents by this margin."

That "trouble" for Obama was ultimately not enough to push the election for Romney. But future presidential candidates likely can't ignore independents, who make up one of the fastest-growing groups of the American electorate.

INFOGRAPHIC: Obama Lost Independent Vote In Almost Every Swing State
Originally Posted by Whirlaway
As usual I question the accuracy of Whirly's uninformed sources. This past election cycle clearly showed us that his "Trending" sources were consistently wrong. But let's assume for a moment that this particular source broke the pattern and happened to be accurate, That still would not alter the fact that Obama clearly won "Almost Every Swing State," with or without the Independent Vote.

To take it a step further Whirly, not only is Wisconsin still "Trending" Obama but America is still "Trending" Obama!
Fact remains; Romney won the independents in every swing state except 1 - North Carolina. Romney won NC !