Bad TCB by Lauren.Banks (-0764) and Victoria (-9901)… Totally unprofessional…
Here’s the setup…
On 11 Dec (Thurs) I sent a PM asking for a meet on Friday. Later that day, I get a text from Victoria (who states that she’s helping Lauren in the scheduling department) and wanted to know what time I wanted for later that day.
I advised her that the request was for Friday, not Thurs, and (because I was coming from out of town), that I would get back with her when I knew exactly what time I was leaving Friday, so that I wouldn't negatively affect her schedule. In other words, I didn't want to block in a time, then at the last minute having to cancel out.
Due to scheduling conflicts, I made it to Dallas Saturday morning, so I sent Lauren a PM and a text to Victoria asking for her availability. Around noon, Victoria text stating that Lauren was available; and asked for time and length of encounter. I jokingly replied “right now”, as I was thinking about the sizzling hot pics in You&Me review. So I said that 1pm (1 hour) would be fine and whether an outcall was feasible (and I provided her the hotel name and address). She asked if I was going to do a review, which I replied yes. Then she provided the donation. I asked if that was for outcall, and her reply was ‘Yes’. I informed her that I was at the hotel awaiting her arrival.
A few minutes later, her next text is what I looked like. I thought that was an interested way of asking for my race. So I replied that I was Black, and asked if that was okay. After 10 minutes had passed, I kindly requested a reply. Then 30 minutes passed, and I again requested a reply and informed her that if the answer was no, then that was fine, but I just didn't want to sit waiting in a room, if Lauren had an unstated NBA policy. And that the least she could do was to provide a reply. I've encountered other providers with unstated NBA policy, which they at least had the professionalism and guts to say so, and not waste any addition time on a dead subject.
Again, my focus isn't on the fact that she didn't post a NBA policy, because then I never would have contacted her. My issue is what has happened to just common courtesy and respect of a person’s time. As far as I was concerned, the date was set and I was awaiting her arrival. All I desired was just a simple yes/no reply. That’s all….
BTW, did anyone note how considerate I was of her scheduling and not just give her a time, when I didn't know whether it was solid or not. Umm, I can be considerate, but others can’t… What a shame…
Here’s a scenario for your mind: All providers that has a NBA policy unfortunately were in a severe accident and was in need of a blood transfusion to live. The doctor comes in and says that the blood available was donated by non-whites. Now, I wonder what percent of them would exercise the NBA policy? I’m willing to bet that their self-survival and basis science lesson will kick in, and accept the blood. The factual morale is that we’re all the same inside, and be careful who you say ‘no’ to because that same person may save your life one day.
Here’s another one. It’s a fact that the CIA collects intelligence from foreign countries that keeps us American fairly safe to go about our normal lives. But don’t you know that there are places that a white face would stand out, and the same for Blacks (that would stand out). Thus, it takes all color (and shade) of Americans to take on this deadly job, for the sake of our freedom. Where’s the NBA policy there?
Many Americans (including myself) placed our lives on the line for our fellow Americans after 9-11. It boggles my mind to know that I put my life on the line for my fellow Americans, but upon returning, it’s not completely appreciated by some. The majority of us in the community are just here to relax, network, have fun and enjoy a variety of fruits, but some can’t just because of their hue; which has absolutely NOTHING to do with the character of heart and soul, and his ability to provide roses… Remember the blood, doesn't care... :-)
Here’s a scenario for your mind: All providers that has a NBA policy unfortunately were in a severe accident and was in need of a blood transfusion to live. The doctor comes in and says that the blood available was donated by non-whites. Now, I wonder what percent of them would exercise the NBA policy? I’m willing to bet that their self-survival and basis science lesson will kick in, and accept the blood. The factual morale is that we’re all the same inside, and be careful who you say ‘no’ to because that same person may save your life one day.
Originally Posted by loneone69
Comparing blood transfusions to not being able to get your dick sucked is a bit far fetched.
Bro. It's not that fucking serious.
lone one, sorry that happened to you.
sounds like [from your point of view] that they just quit all contact once they found out you are african-american.
unless they have a really really good, plausible, and honest explanation, very poooooooor TCB.
while interesting and laudable, imho, the scenarios and viewpoints in your last three paragraphs have little bearing on your interactions w/ victoria and lauren.
it appears they just decided/choice to pass and quit communicating. doesnt have anything to do with blood transfusions, the CIA, military service, etc.
the problems that occur during interactions of people of diff nationalities, ethnicities, and races is a much larger societal problem that shows up in our little sub-culture as well.
fix the bigger problem and we might fix this smaller problem.
...... Around noon, Victoria text stating that Lauren was available; and asked for time and length of encounter. I jokingly replied “right now”, as I was thinking about the sizzling hot pics in You&Me review...........
Originally Posted by loneone69
And that, my friend, is where you made your mistake. The reviews You&Me does, while great reading and awesome pics, from the early contact, TCB skills and the ensuing sessions, if you care to examine the reviews after his initial review are no where near they service level he reports and really should be taken with a grain of salt, he even has the disclaimer in his reviews. BTW,
all the girls You&Me sees for sessions as well as reviews, will have an NBA policy stated or not in her posts/ads, and if they do not, he will encourage her to do so.
Merge onto the National NBA thread?
Comparing blood transfusions to not being able to get your dick sucked is a bit far fetched.
Bro. It's not that fucking serious.
Originally Posted by BrownSugarBaby
Comparing blood transfusions to not being able to get your dick sucked is a bit far fetched.
Bro. It's not that fucking serious.
Originally Posted by BrownSugarBaby
+10000 I agree with BSB sorry that happened to you -but that analogy was a little far fetched. I as an African-American don't let NBA policies get to me- actually IMHO it's normally a sign of management- when a lady says .."oh I am not racist I am just not attracted to AA's... I would probably believe them if the average white hobbyist looked like Brad Pitt or Tom Cruise- I mean come on NBA ladies we all know that there's a plethora of men of all shapes and sizes that are walking through that door- not everyone is a STUD LMFAO. However, it would be nice for those ladies to mention that in their ADS or for the lady to simply text back that she can't go on with the date.
Also, just being observant I do agree with Davidfree statements- perhaps a coincidence, but it does appear that the vast overwhelming majority of You & Me's reviews are by ladies who seem to be NBA- I am just saying.
Finally, to the OP look at it this way- I think the oldest provider I been with was 35- there are some providers on this site in their 50's and I want to say there is one that is very close to 60 that still provides. If I choose not to see a provider above the age of 35 does that make me a Bigot against the older population? There are also so plenty of BBW ladies- if a hobbyist only wants to see spinners or petite woman does that make him a bigot? I know this is like your second nc/ns in the last 30 days or so- but don't let it get to you bro.
this happened to you before, recently, did it not? where you came to town specifically to see a provider(s), and she no-showed after learning you are black?
your mistake was not making sure race was not an issue... philosophy, reason, any of those things don't matter... you have to look out for YOU.. you assumed both times that race was a non-factor, because it was not explicitly stated.. wrong assumption, and you should have learned that after the last one fell apart..
Lost me when you compared your desire for a nut to blood transfusions
You can't get all bent out of shape over stuff like this. The majority of providers with NBA policies are pimped, or involved with a racist SO/pimp who won't allow them to see blacks either way you are probably better off avoiding these girls. We all have some bias in who we prefer to see or not see in the hobby, this shit ain't the ER, there is no obligation to see everyone.
this happened to you before, recently, did it not? where you came to town specifically to see a provider(s), and she no-showed after learning you are black?
your mistake was not making sure race was not an issue... philosophy, reason, any of those things don't matter... you have to look out for YOU.. you assumed both times that race was a non-factor, because it was not explicitly stated.. wrong assumption, and you should have learned that after the last one fell apart..
Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Yep. and here is the review: . I bet it was another one of You&Me's reviews that drew the OP in to see that provider as well. Hopefully, there will not be a strike 3 with this guy on a future You&Me review.
Who's Victoria? Can someone post a link to her profile?
Sorry this happened to you. It's a shitty deal that can't be justified or explained away.
Sorry this happened to you. It's a shitty deal that can't be justified or explained away.
Originally Posted by TexTushHog
It really doesn't warrant an explanation. The OP is an experienced hobbyist and has been a member here for 5 years. Davidfree was spot on about him missing the obvious. All the NBA indicators were there prior to him deciding to contact the provider and the issue could have been easily avoided had he just looked further in her profile. He feels it isn't necessary or fair to disclose his race at first contact so he therefore puts himself in a position to be disappointed.
What the OP must understand is he's dealing with hookers here not employers or landlords where laws and rights would apply. If a provider doesn't want to see me because of my race, I'm moving on to the next. I'm not going to come on here to bitch and moan about it nor give her or her business any more due attention. A good hobbyist uses his time wisely. The energy he puts in posting threads about this issue could be used finding a lady who would enjoy his company.
+1 to greedy,
Honestly can't relate personally bro, suck it up and move on seems to be the best advice on this board tho.