With friends like this...

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We have heard how Martha Stewart was abandoned by her friends after her questionable indictment for insider trading and we heard about Tracey Morgan's "anti" gay rant on stage and he was forced to apologize to the world. Liberal democrats like Bernard Goldberg, Juan Williams, and George Zimmerman has faced the blowtorch of liberal outrage for a single comment or act. BP was Obamas largest contributor until they had a very public explosion then they became enemy number one. Even Oscar presenter Seth McFarland says that he will never host the Oscars again (despite being successful) because he knows "how conservatives feel" about the press.

Now in Illinois we have a liberal democratic candidate for Jesse Jackson Jr's seat in the senate. She was considered an up and comer in democratic politics but she had a oops moment. She believed that the 2nd amendment meant exactly what it said and she would not back down because the democratic party is engaged in war with gun owners. Even Mayor Bloomberg of New York City put millions into her defeat because of her stand on civil rights. Debbie Halvorson lost her primary fight to run for the vacant senate seat to a woman who boasts of her "F" rating from the NRA. While restrictive gun laws are increasing the number of gun deaths in that district by disarming the victims the democratic establishment will savage on of their own for political advantage. Who needs friends like this when your enemies have a lot more class. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Governm...ti-Gun-Radical
Yssup Rider's Avatar
We have heard how Martha Stewart was abandoned by her friends after her questionable indictment for insider trading and we heard about Tracey Morgan's "anti" gay rant on stage and he was forced to apologize to the world. Liberal democrats like Bernard Goldberg, Juan Williams, and George Zimmerman has faced the blowtorch of liberal outrage for a single comment or act. BP was Obamas largest contributor until they had a very public explosion then they became enemy number one. Even Oscar presenter Seth McFarland says that he will never host the Oscars again (despite being successful) because he knows "how conservatives feel" about the press.

Now in Illinois we have a liberal democratic candidate for Jesse Jackson Jr's seat in the senate. She was considered an up and comer in democratic politics but she had a oops moment. She believed that the 2nd amendment meant exactly what it said and she would not back down because the democratic party is engaged in war with gun owners. Even Mayor Bloomberg of New York City put millions into her defeat because of her stand on civil rights. Debbie Halvorson lost her primary fight to run for the vacant senate seat to a woman who boasts of her "F" rating from the NRA. While restrictive gun laws are increasing the number of gun deaths in that district by disarming the victims the democratic establishment will savage on of their own for political advantage. Who needs friends like this when your enemies have a lot more class. http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Governm...ti-Gun-Radical Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Lumping George Zimmerman in with Seth MacFarlane is typically twisted bullshit, in line with many of your other bloviations.

And Jesse Jackson Jr., was NOT a senator.

You can't even get your facts straight when you cut and paste from an outside source.

One or both of you is just jerking off...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
They are both liberal democrats. Though Zimmerman may have changed some. You are the one full of shit when you won't recognize what is sucking your dick; liberal democrats
Yssup Rider's Avatar
How's that SENATE race shaping up?

I guess you flunked reading and writing too, eh, professor?

I suppose Zimmerman's friends backed off once he committed MURDER. Kinda like MacFarlane's! Seth killed at the Oscars!

You probably ought to get your shit together...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-27-2013, 11:42 AM
JD had a Hot Pecker explode in his mouth.
LovingKayla's Avatar
Then would one of you highly enlightened democrats grace us with an explanation of what's happening w the Jackson bullshit please.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Then would one of you highly enlightened democrats grace us with an explanation of what's happening w the Jackson bullshit please. Originally Posted by LovingKayla
Looks like he's going to jail. As far as the winner goes, you, Corneyhole and the rest of you tinfoil hat wearing Teawipes would be thumping your chests with pride instead of whining if the NRA had dumped $2M into Halvorson's campaign and she had won. Of course, la-la-la-Pierre' and the rest of your gun nut buds are welcome to do so for the Repub in the general election, though the result will be the same. Next question.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
and we need to put (Obamatons already have) Bob Woodwards name on the list for the liberal hit squad. He called what Obama is doing "madness" which is a mental disorder. He also called Obama out for a liar.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
and we need to put (Obamatons already have) Bob Woodwards name on the list for the liberal hit squad. He called what Obama is doing "madness" which is a mental disorder. He also called Obama out for a liar. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
so you're saying Bob Woodward said President Obama was mentally ill, and called him a liar?

Naw... That's not what he said. I read the fucking story. You're an imbecile!
Lumping George Zimmerman in with Seth MacFarlane is typically twisted bullshit, in line with many of your other bloviations.

And Jesse Jackson Jr., was NOT a senator.

You can't even get your facts straight when you cut and paste from an outside source.

One or both of you is just jerking off... Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
no Jesse Jackson Jr was a crook
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Woodward said that he had not seen madness like this (referring to Obama) in a long time. Probably means Nixon. He also said that Obama was not telling the truth when he denies being responsible for the sequester. A madman and a liar. Seems pretty clear.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I B Hankering's Avatar
Looks like he's going to jail. As far as the winner goes, you, Corneyhole and the rest of you tinfoil hat wearing Teawipes would be thumping your chests with pride instead of whining if the NRA had dumped $2M into Halvorson's campaign and she had won. Of course, la-la-la-Pierre' and the rest of your gun nut buds are welcome to do so for the Repub in the general election, though the result will be the same. Next question. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Maybe he can share a cell with pro-gun control Illinois Dimocrap:

Donne Trotter (D) Arrested On Weapons Charge: Illinois Senator Released On Bail Wednesday

CHICAGO — An Illinois state senator charged with trying to board a flight with a gun and ammunition in a carry-on bag posted bond and left court Thursday without a word about the charges . . . . The 62-year-old Trotter – wearing the same clothes he had on when he was arrested the morning before at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport – stopped to address reporters after his release, but apparently changed his mind when he was asked about the case. . . . Trotter is charged with a Class 4 felony, which carries a sentence to one to three years in prison upon conviction. In Illinois, defendants must post 10 percent of the set bond, so Trotter had to put up $2,500, to be released.


BTW, Randy4Andy, how about this bunch with “gun nut buds”? Since 37 Chicago precincts voted 100% for Odumbo, the odds are this bunch of “gun nut buds” didn’t vote Republican during the last election. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-250_162-57548626/romney-earned-zero-votes-in-some-urban-precincts/

Yssup Rider's Avatar
He said neither. He implied that the Presidents staff lied and said POTUS got it wrong. He NEVER implied that POTUS was suffering from mental illness, as you claimed.

If so, please provide evidence. I linked to the real
Story. You're just jerking off with it. Per usual.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

Madness and a liar. Swish! Nothing but net.