Window shopping in strip clubs

Trying to understand strip clubs. Could the ladies in particular educate me? I'm not about to put myself in a position to be arrested for public indecency. Don't want contact with a sweaty dancer that has handled a bunch of dicks without adequate hygiene between contacts. Not crazy about paying way too much for way too little as I have seen in numerous reviews on this site. Are there any ladies who will use the club venue as a meet and greet? If so PM me or post thoughts. Thanks
tbone77494's Avatar
I'm unable to understand the SC scene. Most reviews are something like two bills for dances and maybe a blow job in a chair fort with a flashlight wielding manger wondering around. I have no desire for that.

You can (and many have) arranged time with a legit provider that includes stip club time for entertainment. Then you finish the evening with the provider out of the club. That's expensive but does sound fun.

Just my opinion. To each his own.
kerwil62's Avatar
Sounds like you need to stay out of them if you ain't prepared to spend money.
cabletex7's Avatar
If this is the question you came up with after reading "numerous reviews on this site", what makes you think any responses here would improve your comprehension?

But let me try.
Dick touching (your's or her's) in strip clubs is illegal.
Any sexual touching will result in both of you getting arrested.
If convicted you may have to register as a sexual predator.
Stay out of strip clubs. Not worth it.
  • cr76
  • 09-09-2014, 02:15 PM
I used to like strip clubs , because you would hang out with the girl and sometimes you buck can go the mile. Lately, it's been a disappointment, the dancers are only int for the tips. They don't even butter you up anymore. Also there has been a growing tend of asking for tips after a lap dance on too of the $20 charge. ECG club experience is going I be different for everyone as well.
I'm in utter agreement. Never even considered any contact Just thought using the club as window shopping would be nice
Strip Clubs and Night in the same imo.

It's only worth it if you're getting bottle service and in a private/vip area aka Boom Boom room...and even then you're going to over spend for what you actually's more the visual effect and excitement if anything...
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
I never been and I ain't going back.
Since I started to hobby, strip clubs seem like a waste of time. I'd rather go see a provider
Naaa..... The titty bars are still fun....

You just gotta pick the right time....
LittleSpike's Avatar
Generally speaking, the pros have fun in the strip clubs, and the amateurs get fleeced.

cabletex7's Avatar
Generally speaking, the pros have fun in the strip clubs, and the amateurs get fleeced.

LS Originally Posted by LittleSpike
Agree but . . .
Newbies getting fleeced can be a rite of passage if you learn from your experience. It's the numb nut newbies that lack any self awareness and fuck it up for everyone by walking in, demanding a $100 BJ from ________ because they read about it on the internet.
pyramider's Avatar
Just grab a couple of handfuls of flesh ... what could go wrong with that?
oilfieldscum's Avatar
Just grab a couple of handfuls of taint ... what could go wrong with that? Originally Posted by pyramider
I fixed that for you.
ICU 812's Avatar
Trying to understand strip clubs. Could the ladies in particular educate me? I'm not about to put myself in a position to be arrested for public indecency. Don't want contact with a sweaty dancer that has handled a bunch of dicks without adequate hygiene between contacts. Not crazy about paying way too much for way too little as I have seen in numerous reviews on this site. Are there any ladies who will use the club venue as a meet and greet? If so PM me or post thoughts. Thanks Originally Posted by rocky50

Rocky: Welcome to the Hobby.

The SC scenr is a different from the provider scene. I have enjoyed both. If you like the uncertainty of "the hubt", the mutual manipulation and have the money to spend, then the SC is for you.

I have found that I prefer to research established providers and spend less than (or as much as) a SC experience for a quality session with a wonderful woman where the prameters of the experience are known ahead of time. I know what is on the menue, what she is comfortable with regarding contact method, how much it will be and how long. I am more confident about hygene (maybe we shower together) and so on.

There is a hilarious read out there called "So You Want to Date a Stripper?" It comes right up on Google. Its a little dated now, but funny as hell.