Arguing about erotic sex

TRIN's Avatar
  • TRIN
  • 02-28-2014, 09:38 PM
A Japanese couple is having an argument over ways of performing highly erotic sex:
Husband: Sukitaki.
Wife replies: Kowanini!
Husband says: Toka a anji rodi roumi yakoo!
Wife on her knees literally begging: Mimi nakoundinda tinkouji!
Husband replies angrily: Na miaou kina tim kouji!

I can't believe you just sat and tried to read this. As if you understand Japanese!

I knew that you would read anything as long as it is about sex.
tia travels's Avatar
Yeah...I admit...I read it but only to see if some of the words "sounded" like english words.

My mind was not on sex at all.