[I][B]You are dearly mininformed. Many of our states use mail in ballots some for more than a decade.
President Trump himself and overseas military use mail in ballots.
Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Now I know what "mininformed" means.
There is a distinction between sending in a request for a mailin ballot when the request requires identification and a signature, which is matched with the number assigned to the request when returned.
The "signature" is one issue this year ... since some "election officials" (as opposed to the legislature) proclaimed that mailed ballot signatures didn't have to MATCH the request document. ..... then bags of mail in ballots started showing up in ditches and elsewhere marked "Trump" .... after being processed at the Post Office!
Then dead people started mailing in their ballots ... etc... and some from one state started showing up in other states.
Like I said: "mininformed" ... CNN didn't report that did they?
The DimboCrats probably don't want to establish voter fraud as an acceptable form of "protest" like they have vandalizing, burning, looting, beating, and shooting. But that's ok.
Most who participated in the voter fraud probably thought they were working so hard illegally to get Bitten in the White House ... not Kumola!