Providing to the Disabled

El Cid's Avatar
I ran across a British newspaper article discussing providers and sex surrogates tending to the sexual needs of the disabled. First time I see such an open discussion on the subject.

Title: "The sex workers giving disabled people a chance to live out their dreams"

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I think that sex workers are a very good answer to men who are disabled. There reasons are so varied.

This is a good topic and I hope others chime in. (There have been a few similar topics in the National section, too, I believe. If I get a moment, I'll link it to this one!)

I have seen gentlemen who were disabled. One gentleman had lost his leg up to his hip due to cancer. Another gentleman was paralyzed from the waist down at age 10 from a skiing accident. Both gentlemen surprised me with their abilities rather than their disabilities!
DallasRain's Avatar
I have a regular i am seeing on tour this week who has a prosthetic leg....he is so sweet that i do not even notice when he takes it off!

I always say.....everybody needs luving!!
cumalot's Avatar
I always say.....everybody needs luving!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
Yes they do.............
ICU 812's Avatar
I am Legaly Blind("Registered blind in UK) and have some limitations in terms of transportation and schedualing. Every provider, Indy or Agency, have been wonderful in helping me.

I thank you all.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
I just watched a movie called The Sessions starring Helen Hunt. She was a sex surrogate/therapist to the disabled. It wad based on a true story. Kinda weird and kinda deep. I enjoyed it none the less. Check it out.
El Cid's Avatar
I just watched a movie called The Sessions ... Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
The British newspaper article mentions that movie.
TheAntichrist666's Avatar
Everyone deserves to have the ability to enjoy sex : )
BBW Katrina's Avatar
The British newspaper article mentions that movie. Originally Posted by El Cid
I should have read the damn article! Lol. Oh and to be clear, the movie wasn't weird due to specific subject matter, it just had a sort of dark side to it.
I have no qualms providing services to disabled gentlemen. They need pleasure in their lives just as much as the next guy.
Guest010619's Avatar
Quasimodo- "Esmerelda, come ring my bell!"
Hunchback of Notre Dame.
TifanyR's Avatar
I have never ran into this situation, however, as I always do, treat them like everyone else!
I currently have 2 friends with MS. One uses a walker and the other a cane. They last longer than most of my non-disabled friends!

My moto - Rock What You Got!

I get some major satisfaction from making "dreams come true" so to speak. Most people don't ever think about it... but there's huge number of people in society that never get touched in a sensual, loving way ...and it's sooooo important for over all well being.

It's not the same exactly but I spent time with a man who's stepson was dying of cancer. It was a passionate, intimate and incredibly moving session. At one point I just felt like we were just two humans who were holding, embracing one another in that special moment.

He let me know that his son had passed about a week later. He thanked me being able to "put a smile on his face" for one of his last visits.

Not everyone can find unconditional acceptance through "conventional means" -One of the reasons I love what I do.