Fake Review... Wtf Mentagon9?

KatiforYou's Avatar
Wow. Really?

This is a fake Review. I denied this guy a session since for one, he didn't have any verifiable references and for two, his post history is questionable http://m.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1790748

Not really sure when denying someone an appointment equates to them writing you a phony NO review.

If your going to write a phony review, at leat get your info right. It's $150/hh, ...don't look pregnant, at least not from my other reviews but maybe I got pregnant in a day and magically showed?

Explain please why you would write a review like this?
WTF? I'm sorry this is happening, Kati. The butthurt is real around here w/some of these guys.
Kati you should not have to put up with this type of behavior or lies.

Wow Menagon9, Really? You should be ashamed of yourself
KatiforYou's Avatar
I'm on mobile, can someone tell me how to upload a selfie or help me out, please. Maybe it will help my case, geezus.
Carguy350's Avatar
Hit the full site button on the bottom
KatiforYou's Avatar
Hit the full site button on the bottom Originally Posted by Carguy350
I still don't get it? Do I have to hyperlink or host it somewhere first? Sorry, I'm not new to this, I just don't understand how to do it.
Thank you 😚
Yeah I'm very sorry that happened to you. Some guys around here are just assholes. But the 99 million other guys are very sweet most of the time. I don't think the review will stick in most people's minds because they all know you give good service and this doesn't sound like something you would do. So just chalk it up come hold your head up high and keep it moving, and pretty soon he will look like a fool that he already is
My review was 100% accurate. I'm not an asshole; I'm just a person who reported what occurred.

I'm not trying to say Kati is a terrible person or anything. She was very nice to me. I just didn't have a good experience. This doesn't mean every other client won't have a good experience. She has positive reviews so it is just my opinion.

I'm sorry to get everyone upset, but I am just being honest.

I'm considering leaving this community; every time I post something, I get attacked.

Try to have a good day.
I am not attacking her! It's only my opinion!

Maybe the pimp/boyfriend was just a coincidence. It seems unlikely, but it's possible! I could be wrong -- maybe this guy just happened to want to strike up a conversation.

Sorry to get everyone agitated.

I may not post any more reviews -- I don't want to be attacked! This makes me question all of the positive reviews -- are the reviewers afraid of being attacked? After this affair, I may leave ECCIE.

I'm not out to destroy Kati's reputation or her business - I was just being honest. I merely wanted to share my experience.

Kati -- I'm so sorry if I hurt your feelings; I'm NOT trying to attack you or hurt you.
KatiforYou's Avatar
Pimp? Are you fucking serious right now?
Anyone that has seen me knows I'm highly opinionated on a lot of things... and umm... yea. One might think you were a pimp and out to destroy people's business since first you posted Britney was in jail and now you write a fake Review of me? Competition have you upset?

Please do leave ECCIE with your fake reviews.
KatiforYou's Avatar
My belly. Yea, I'm ashamed of it, which is why I don't show it. Taken as of 10 minutes ago.

Carguy350's Avatar
Don't let it get in your head Kati.
Carguy350's Avatar
Looks sexy as fuck to me.
KatiforYou's Avatar
There's a few people on here who have been to my house and I'm sure they could tell anyone it's cluttered with kid stuff and dogs but there's no sign of a male. There's a lot of you who I've encountered this week in my regular job, but I guess...whatever.

I mean why do this to someone, right now? Because he was denied an appointment? Accusing someone of having a pimp is like the worst thing you could do to destroy someone's business. I'll take a no review any day if I deserve it, or if it's honest.
Carguy350's Avatar
Haters gonna hate I guess
KatiforYou's Avatar
And I'm sorry but I can't see the part of the review about the make believe pimp? Is that in ROS?