BLM Leader Stands in Solidarity w/ Proud Boys & J6 Political Prisoners At Federal Court House

HoHound's Avatar

Injustice and oppression is wrong regardless of race. Persecuting political prisoners is not a democracy. Remember, the police removed the barriers, opened the doors and let these unarmed J6ers come inside and in some cases, showed them around. The only deaths were J6ers who were shot or beaten by police. Now these J6ers are getting 15-20 years in prison for walking around the capital after they were invited in by police. This is the worst example of injustice in modern history and even BLM recognizes it.
ICU 812's Avatar
I don't see that BLM was oppressed or faced with injustice for burning down city centers and government buildings across America without real opposition. The guy that stood on top of a car and told the crowd to "Burn it all down!" there got off with n o consequences for inciting a riot..

BLM waws really put out and offended that that others were standing up to them at Fergusen Missouri where some roof tops were defended by men with rifles.

The BLM crowd was offended that Kyle Rittenhouse, a very young, misguided man, even thought to do the same. . . .and had to defend his own life.

In my view, BLM never really faced justice let alone injustice for their actions in 2020.
eyecu2's Avatar
The proud boys got what they deserved. When you decide that you're going to overthrow, or attempt to overthrow by organizing an insurrection, you go to jail.

Kyle Rittenhouse should have gone to jail.

Anybody burning down a building should go to jail.

It's not rocket science, it's when you break the law, you go to jail. Including those people that are stealing so much from retailers.

And that would include presidents who decide to break the law by not accepting the peaceful transition of power, or if they are convicted of bribery.

And let's not kid ourselves about the only people that died relative to January 6th were "protesters".

Deaths can be attributed the same day of actions, or the day after or months after. Just like anyone who was in a car crash. You can be DOA, or later on.

Reality is those people should have never been inside the Capitol. You can demonstrate all you want outside, but as soon as you enter that building, that's a whole another story, and that's why those people are going to jail. Again I said it's pretty simple to understand - not sure why it's still a topic
ICU 812's Avatar
Proud Boys (and the there was another group whose name I forget (something with Boiz in it) got what I would call justice.

Kyle Rittenhouse got his day in court and in my opinion a jury gave him his justice. If I had been an adult in his life with any influence at all, I would have told him to stay at home.

The peaceful transition of power is absolutely imperative to the continuity of our Nation. With that said however, it cannot be a crime to challenge the results of an election; Al Gore did it, Stacy Adams did it and others have as well.

And YES, presidents and other elected or appointed high officials cannot consider themselves to be above the law. In an interview with a British reporter after resigning, Richard Nixon still thought so, referring to himself and any other US president as "the sovereign." Senator Menendez may be about to find that out.

The events of 6th, 2020 have been idely reported over and over as "bloody". One can interpret after the fact deths in a variety of ways. My understanding is that deaths among the Capitol Police were mostly due to Suicide days and weeks later on . . .who know why. One officer died at the scene for reasons that have been rported differently in the press. One protester, an unarmed woman, was shot in the Capitol building and died hours later at a hospital. the details of that incident are also clouded by reporting spun every which way.

Much like the Kennedy Assan nation, a full picture of the events of Jan 6th, 2020 will never be clear.

I actually have no disagreement with the views expressed in the last pargraph of the nprevious post as it is written.
No one has ever been arrested and charged for challenging the results of an election, not Gore, Abrams or Trump. One person was charged and indicted for enacting schemes designed to prevent the winner from the peaceful transfer of power. Two completely different things. We will see whether a jury agrees that the person should be found guilty and jailed.

It’s very funny that some of you fail to understand the difference between 1) setting schemes in motion and taking acts to further those schemes and 2) “‘making statements” and “challenging the results’. It’s not difficult, unless there’s a certain amount of willful ignorance.
eyecu2's Avatar
No one has ever been arrested and charged for challenging the results of an election, not Gore, Abrams or Trump. .

It’s very funny that some of you fail to understand the difference between 1) setting schemes in motion and taking acts to further those schemes and 2) “‘making statements” and “challenging the results’. It’s not difficult, unless there’s a certain amount of willful ignorance. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
totally true!

We encourage things like making sure that you are right in your counts mr. secretary of state. We will even give you time to recount. And audit; and verify. But when that is done with, any appellate must accept the outcome. If there was proof of impropriety, it's required to be proven beyond assertion of the same. That burden is/ was/ has been on the party requesting the recount. Gore did it, and accepted the fate. Trump, not so much. Further afterwards mentioned to a ginned up group on Jan 6th, that "You've got to fight like Hell", and Guiliani, "Trial by combat"., and release the Kraken lady- and all the rest of the nonsense group in order to further stoke the flames of a group drunk on lies from their dear leader.

Even the name of the event "Save America" is a ruse. It should have been "Save America"- from Trump!
... and yet - America doesn't seem to agree. Look at the Polls!

#### Salty
ICU 812's Avatar
"Setting schemes in motion . . ." sounds like conspiracy to me (I am not a lawyer).

Money laundering on the scale of the Clintons and Bidens sounds like Cartel or Mafia level racketeering to me. Sen Menendez (D NJ) seems to be samll pottos and ineptly stupid by comparison.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
... and yet - America doesn't seem to agree. Look at the Polls!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
What polls?
"Setting schemes in motion . . ." sounds like conspiracy to me (I am not a lawyer).

Money laundering on the scale of the Clintons and Bidens sounds like Cartel or Mafia level racketeering to me. Sen Menendez (D NJ) seems to be samll pottos and ineptly stupid by comparison. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Trump and Co sound Exactly like a conspiracy that would be charged in a RICO.

Completely unsupported accusations against the Clintons and Bidens sound exactly like unfounded and unsupported accusations. Which is exactly what they are, unless you live on right wing media where facts and evidence are never required to form a belief in something.
ICU 812's Avatar
Some of my pots may have been misunderstood.

I do not endorse or condone any illegal acts by prominent politicians or anyone else.

Regardless of who does it, I do support and encourage those policies that enforce our laws in general and particularly those policies and laws that ensure fair and legitimate elelctions. Policies that promote a thriving economy with high rates of employment, disincentivize home3lessness, limited uncontrolled immigration, raise the quality of primary education, empower parents' rights and so on. All the things President Trump facilitated.

I am not a follower of personality cults, not Trump, not the Clintons, not any other single politician or dynastic family such as the Kennedys or Bushes.

So, if Mr. Trump has done something illegal, he should face the consequences if found guilty. As should Sen. Mendez (Dem. NJ) or any of the Clintons or most of the Bidens.
ICU 812's Avatar
Unsupported accusations indeed:

Who killed Vince Foster?
Oh goodness. More of that bullshit.
ICU 812's Avatar
I just wish I could live long enough to read the history that will be written of the last 35 years or so . maybe starting with the Clinton years.

What we all "know" now )because we lived it) will be seen from a different viewpoint fifty or more years down the road. By then, we may know who killed (*whome ever) and what the "intellegance commu nity" did during the 2016 election.

If that history iw written in Chinese, be it Mandarin, Cnatonese or some other language actually spoken in China, it is likely that Covid19 will be an inconsequential bump in the road as the Cultura Revolution or the Tianna man Square protest are viewed now (by them).

But most of all, I would like to know the real story of the doings of President Biden's extended family for at least the past twenty years.

Bullshit? Who killed ince Foster is right up there with the legendary "grassy knoll". I have just about given up on who shot the Kennedys. But then, we did find out about the wider conspiracy surrounding John Wilks Booth and the Lincoln assassination nearly a hundred years later. . . .so mayb there is hope.

There are a lot of questions out there that are directly on-topic for this thresd . . .and they asre not bullshit.
Typical wacky conspiracy bullshit.