Pocahontas said what?

Ducbutter's Avatar
Not that this is a surprise to any clear thinking person, just that someone actually admitted it.

winn dixie's Avatar
It was rigged again her fors Obama thens Reparations made for the rigging for her to win I thinks. Ms Donna would sell her sole for a buck.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
It was rigged again her fors Obama thens Reparations made for the rigging for her to win I thinks. Ms Donna would sell her soul for a buck. Originally Posted by winn dixie

ftfy but close enough and yes she would sell her family into slavery if needed to further the agenda.

I watched the Hildebeast on an interview the other night, she is still pushing RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA. Just sits there and spouts the same lies, over and over.

Sooner or later, somebody is going to have to drive a wooden stake in her heart.
FesteredUncle's Avatar
Friendly Reminder: It is never their fault. But they do always suck.
It was rigged again her fors Obama thens Reparations made for the rigging for her to win I thinks. Ms Donna would sell her sole for a buck. Originally Posted by winn dixie
... Are YOU 'aving a difficult time with your keyboard?
... Must be.

... If not - it would surely seem your post is
a slight to Donna Brazile.

... Maybe you can explain - I THINK you should.

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
It was rigged again her fors Obama thens Reparations made for the rigging for her to win I thinks. Ms Donna would sell her sole for a buck. Originally Posted by winn dixie
... Are YOU 'aving a difficult time with your keyboard?
... Must be.

... If not - it would surely seem your post is
a slight to Donna Brazile.

... Maybe you can explain - I THINK you should.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Watch video so you know what the topic is.

Dems stole nom from Hillary and gave to Obama. Then stole nom from Bernie and gave to Hillary for Reparations from 08. Donna's book is just more hot air to sale. As Donna brazeille will sell her soul for a buck.
Good grief
Watch video so you know what the topic is.

Dems stole nom from Hillary and gave to Obama. Then stole nom from Bernie and gave to Hillary for Reparations from 08. Donna's book is just more hot air to sale. As Donna brazeille will sell her soul for a buck.
Good grief Originally Posted by winn dixie
... I'm surely well aware of the thread topic.
That aint me concern - and YOU know it!

#### Salty
Donna Brazile gave Hillary debate question twice The questions are suppose to be kept secret from candidates She got fired from CNN and DNC and then blamed Russia for leaking the emails exposing her.
winn dixie's Avatar
... I'm surely well aware of the thread topic.
That aint me concern - and YOU know it!

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Thread is not about me. Let's steer back to topic.

Warren saying this isn't surprising. She has a history of statements like this.
ICU 812's Avatar
It was rigged again her fors Obama thens Reparations made for the rigging for her to win I thinks. Ms Donna would sell her sole for a buck. Originally Posted by winn dixie
GASP (clutching my pearls)

You mean that elections can be rigged?
eyecu2's Avatar
... If not - it would surely seem your post is
a slight to Donna Brazile.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
Donna Brazile was known to have said that the democrat nomination was Hillary's and she had 1st right of refussal of it. It's a shame that she ostracized an entire party with a bunch of "bad feelings" calling them 'deplorables.'

The rigging of a specific nominee is an absolute outrage, and while the Trumpers out there, think that the Donald is the guy they want to put in the batters' box, they should really take a look at what happened to Hillary. She was thought to be a shoe-in, and didn't get her day- because she was toxic to the other side. When partisan politics gins up one side, it's literally a lost cause to the other side. If we learned nothing from Hillary, it's that in order to win the states, you have to be able to garner more votes from the opposing side.

Good Luck GOP with Trump trying to do that. He's made losing a habit, and his court cases, along with the rant from conservative voices wanting to take away womens' rights, and disenfranchising voters in several ways is not going to sit well with Dems and undecided.

Poll's will show one thing or another, but in the end, almost every poll was wrong about 2020; How wrong will they be in 2024?

One thing is for certain- don't piss of women, they don't want you to limit them with their reproductive rights, and they ALL vote.
ICU 812's Avatar
Why are we ven discussing whether or not the Democrats cheat at every level in any way they can? Here in the Houston/Harris County area, they don't even care that it is blatsantly obvious.

Of course, they cheat.

And eeveryone knows that Bernie Saunders was totally Screwed out of the legitimate nomination to make way for Hillery Clinton.

The post-election hysteria (remember the need for "safe places?) among liberals when Mr. Trump won was deeply rooted in the expectation that it would be a Democrat slam-dunk . . .because they thought the fix was in again.