Police are killing every one

Ripmany's Avatar

Here proof Biden had nothing stop the crazy police. If don't like Biden and police coming for you fight there will kill you.
HoHound's Avatar
You must comply with police. If police violate your rights, you can take it up with the courts later. All compliant perpetrators live, 100%. Comply and you won't die! If police kill you, it's always a result of noncompliance. The most dangerous police currently are Federal agencies, FBI, ATF, DOJ, not local law enforcement. I support local, county, and state law enforcement. I do not support current Federal law enforcement. They are nothing but Biden's gestapo.
I agree with the OP.

Here is a good example of a Cop shooting down a young man who was just gathering with his friends.


So they all had Guns. They didn’t shoot anybody. So he pointed a AR-15 at a cop. Did the cop know it was loaded or not. It could have been unloaded.

And besides, just to be sure he was not gunning down an innocent teen, he should have let the young man shoot first. After all, the cop is paid to take chances and put his life on the line.

Houston should burn. This cop should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

When will this senseless “murder by cop” stop?