Democracy is dead. Long live the corporate state.

Tonight we witnessed the death of the democratic process in the United States. Thanks to Citizens United, we now recognize the extent to which elections in this nation can be bought and paid for by corrupt corporate interests.

Gov. Walker's campaign outspent the recall effort by 7 to 1. And where did his money come from? Outside interests. Two-thirds of Walker money came from outside the State of Wisconsin. Can you say "Koch brothers"? Walker already openly acknowledged he's in their pocket, thanks to a prank telephone call that revealed his true loyalties.

Only one-fourth of the recall effort's funds came from out of state.

Walker succeeded with his demogogic divide-and-conquer strategy by making public sector workers (teachers, firefighters, police officers) the scapegoats for budget cuts as a consequence of the economic meltdown resulting from corrupt, criminal, unregulated "free-market" business practices.

Walker succeeded with the "fear and anger" tactic in which private sector workers are encouraged to bring public sector workers down to their level of misery rather than actively seeking solutions that would re-enable the private sector workforce.

Walker thanks god for his victory. What a fraud. He owes his victory to corrupt money and goon squad tactics aimed at suppressing the votes of those who would oppose him.

Witness the birth of the theocratic corporatocracy, the new evangelifascist state usurping what was once the United States of America.

Those who are now cheering this corporate victory against the ordinary citizen will come to regret these events. We all will.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I'm cheering this victory for the people and fiscal responsibility. I won't regret it. I promise you that.

You liberals are going to have to do better than this. Soros outspends Koch by three and fourfold. The unions amassed armies of people to get out the vote, and vote themselves, even if they were from another state.

Collective bargaining by public employees was opposed even by Roosevelt.

You need to pay attention. You also need to read the Constitution.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
It was outside Union goons and thugs, that pushed this recall in the first place.

You got beat at your own game.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Tonight we witnessed the death of the democratic process in the United States. Thanks to Citizens United, we now recognize the extent to which elections in this nation can be bought and paid for by corrupt corporate interests.

Gov. Walker's campaign outspent the recall effort by 7 to 1. And where did his money come from? Outside interests. Two-thirds of Walker money came from outside the State of Wisconsin. Can you say "Koch brothers"? Walker already openly acknowledged he's in their pocket, thanks to a prank telephone call that revealed his true loyalties.

Only one-fourth of the recall effort's funds came from out of state.

Walker succeeded with his demogogic divide-and-conquer strategy by making public sector workers (teachers, firefighters, police officers) the scapegoats for budget cuts as a consequence of the economic meltdown resulting from corrupt, criminal, unregulated "free-market" business practices.

Walker succeeded with the "fear and anger" tactic in which private sector workers are encouraged to bring public sector workers down to their level of misery rather than actively seeking solutions that would re-enable the private sector workforce.

Walker thanks god for his victory. What a fraud. He owes his victory to corrupt money and goon squad tactics aimed at suppressing the votes of those who would oppose him.

Witness the birth of the theocratic corporatocracy, the new evangelifascist state usurping what was once the United States of America.

Those who are now cheering this corporate victory against the ordinary citizen will come to regret these events. We all will.

Shame. Originally Posted by Ken Dahl

Thank you newbie.....Now go back to Michigan.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Collective not a right.

It is a clause in a contract!
Tonight we witnessed the death of the democratic process in the United States...... Originally Posted by Ken Dahl
Written at McDonalds with an iPhone. Transmitted across AT&T lines. Served up by Microsoft.

TheDaliLama's Avatar
Tonight we witnessed the death of the democratic process in the United States.,,,,,,,,,,, Originally Posted by Ken Dahl
Walker 53%, Barrett 46%

The people have spoken.
The talking heads at MSNBC look like somebody ran over their puppy. They are still trying to make this out like an Obama victory. Maddow just tripped over her tiny lesbian balls.

Check out the Wisconsin Republican Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch. She was on the recall ballot tonight and won. Former newscaster. Remind anybody of anyone???

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
"Democracy is dead" Bullshit. That must be the lib talking points. I've seen that in several stories tonight. Whining about being outspent.

Listen, Walker didn't call this party. Dalai is right, out of state unions planned this party. You libs got beat at your own game, thanks Dalai for pointing that out.

And don't forget, MoveOn, etc. were begging for money to spend in Wisconsin, but their supporters knew it was a loser. Maybe if the libs in Wisconsin weren't so ridiculous, they could have collected more funds. I mean, look at them. Who would send those idiots money?
joe bloe's Avatar
Government workers shouldn't be allowed to have unions. The unions make massive politcal contributions to the very politicians who determine their wages and benefits. It's incestuous. Even FDR was against it. God bless Governor Walker! I hope his success in reigning wasteful spending is duplicated all over the country. Who knows maybe someday California will stop letting the public worker unions screw the tax payers.

America is not a democracy; it's a constitutional republic. The majority doesn't always get what they want because we have a constitution that is designed to stop the mob from looting the treasury.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 06-06-2012, 01:12 AM
Yep, the libs bought those sour grapes, makes pretty good vinegar, now take a big drink of it, you
funny how when free independent informed people vote the cry is democracy is dead.

when its organized block voting for the protection of gold bricking featherbedding mandatory unionism somehow thats democracy?

funny how when people understand that breaking an overpriced no-bid union insurance contract will save a billion and still provide insurance coverage they swarm to express their democracy

informed people arent as stupid as the democrat machine wants them to be
Will be interesting to see next year,after Romney wins ,and we are still in the shitter .who will you blame then??I will be watching.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I have no illusions that Romney or anyone else will be able to pull us out of this mess in a year.
I fully expect it to get much worse before it gets better.

Thinking ahead, this is why the Clintons are doing what they can to "help" Obama win re-election. This way when Romney wins and things do not get better immediately, those that are members of the instant gratification society will then elect Hillary in 2016.

The real hope is that we can begin to turn the ship around and see some clear water before Romney serves his term. Otherwise we will continue to drive the ship harder into the iceberg that is sinking us.
A record voter turnout in Wisconsin and the loony leftists say "Democracy Is Dead". In the meantime, Wisconsin representatives flee the state to avoid voting on legislation and they claim "it's democracy in action."


BTW; "good riddence" to your form of Democracy and "hello" to the Republic of the United States.