MSM peddling the "Citizens United" excuse

mastermind238's Avatar
I watched as much as I could stand of Mr. Maddow's show yesterday, because I just had to see for myself how the libs in the MSM were explaining away the Wisconsin vote.

As I expected, he largely avoided any analysis of the meaning of the vote, while beating two peripherally related themes to death: (1) exit polls still had Obama leading Romney, and (2) Walker outspent Barret, so of COURSE he won - evil corporate money, doncha know.

But his sickening smirk about the good guy being outspent by the bad guy reminded me of what happened in '08. Doesn't anybody in the MSM remember that Obama was the FIRST major party presidential candidate to REJECT public financing since the campaign financing reforms put in place in the wake of Watergate? And shouldn't Mr. Maddow and his viewers be reminded that Obama did this only AFTER McCain was locked in to accepting public financing - and the spending limits that such financing imposes?

Yes, Obama outspent McCain in '08 by a considerable margin, and he did so only because he did a head-fake - stating publicly, early in the campaign, that he would accept public financing, only to "evolve" to a different position when it gave him an insurmountable financial advantage over Sen. McCain. Kinda the way he won every public office he held before (vicious legal challenges to petition signatures - state senate, or despicable legal maneuvering to get divorce and custody records unsealed, leading to his opponent's withdrawal from the race - US senate).

But Sen. McCain should have known that Obama was capable of such duplicity. Obama doesn't know the meaning of the word "honor." And that reminds me of an earlier incident. If you're unfamiliar with the details of the skunk-like behavior alluded to in this letter, it's only because it was well-hidden by the MSM in '08:

You may think Obama is the Messiah, but all his life he's behaved more like Lucifer. The record is clear.
lucifer the father of lies; maybe obama is just baby lucifer
joe bloe's Avatar
McCain has a great ironic sense of humor. I love his letter to Obama, expressing his comtempt for Obama's dishonesty, by apologizing for taking him at his word. I wish McCain had run his presidential campaign more aggressively. He took many of Obama's weaknesses off the table as far as being fair game in the campaign.

I think this is the best line from McCain's letter:

Again, I have been around long enough to appreciate that in politics the public interest isn't always a priority for every one of us.
joe bloe's Avatar
lucifer the father of lies; maybe obama is just baby lucifer Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
If Obama is baby Lucifer, it adds a whole new dimension to the title of his autobiography, "Dreams From My Father"
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 06-07-2012, 10:46 AM
Oscuminable, is just a lying dog, not nearly as worthy as the ones he ate.....!!!!!
you are what you eat seedy are you into DATY?