My pussy response review

  • Chloe
  • 01-28-2010, 08:49 PM
Well after I had thought that I was going to be able to do a review I was just told I can not. I did do an appointment with a girl in Buffalo, I did write a review to submit . . .BCD hot details as well. If anyone of you boys are interested in seeing it I will send it in a private e-mail. You have to be someone I have seen or screened.

I am not TOO disappointed that I am not able to display it because I understand the reasons underlying it. The most important thing was that I was able to have an unforgettable experience, allowing me to better understand the process and time it take for the guys on here to write, revise and edit before posting a review. It is not easy. It requires a lot of thought and time.

I want to take the time to thank all of you who do reviews. You boost the providers business taking many hours outside of an appointment to write a piece that is honest, respectful and flattering.

I always thought that the guys didn't realize how many hours of work and time it took answering e-mails, screening, waiting to hear back from the references building up to the first appointment. Now I realize I never fully understood how much work it took to find a provider you want to see, schedule, donate, and then the extensive writing process afterwards.

Both sides of the fense put a lot of work into this hobby/profession. Proving once more to me how meaningful, vital and beautiful this is
Fast Gunn's Avatar
Okay, Let's say that I am your first victim?

What then, Miss Smarty Pants?
rjdiner's Avatar
check your PM's

Let's see how you operate babe!