Hofo Lexxi Lovely

  • Bisby
  • 03-30-2023, 09:40 AM
Is there any chance that this girl is real at all?
snoopy75's Avatar
Usually if a girl puts "surrounding areas", "everywhere", or "downtown" in her Location she's a fake.
pittlicker's Avatar
The fact that they offer every sexual benefit available is normally an indication of fake also.
  • Bisby
  • 03-30-2023, 12:08 PM
Yeah, agreed on both counts. Anytime I see that a girl has "water sports (receiving)" I assume she's fake... or into stuff where I probably really don't want to be that close to her!

It was the 814 number that had me wondering, plus her pictures don't show up anywhere else.
This ad has been up before, I’ve never heard anyone who actually met her. My gut says fake, maybe a local fake, but a fake nonetheless.
laserface's Avatar
Doesn't even have to be a local fake - with texting apps and such, you can get a phone number in pretty much any area code you want, to make it look local to a particular area. Also, Google Lens finds those pics in ads in at least one other city (nowhere near Altoona) - not that that's a super reliable indicator, but it's suspicious for someone presenting themselves as a local girl.