Men of

Guest041817's Avatar
Today alone I have recieved two calls from not so happy wives questioning me about why I am on their husbands phone...well one just pulled up the phone record and seen my number alot...So my sweet men of the south please either a. get a hobby phone or b. delete my number after you call me..I am tired of getting yelled at lol...thank you.



PS: i do play dumb when mens wives call me.
Arverni's Avatar
Good advice. Also - SO only checks the phone when she has other reasons to suspect something. So, if she's checking your phone you're doing something else wrong too.
rodog44's Avatar
It must have been so good that it destroyed a few brain cells.
Guest041817's Avatar
Lol...i just feel so weird when they call..hopefully they are alright.
Good advice. Also - SO only checks the phone when she has other reasons to suspect something. So, if she's checking your phone you're doing something else wrong too. Originally Posted by Arverni
that's what i was thinking.
holmes50's Avatar
So glad I'm single.
So glad I'm single. Originally Posted by holmes50
SimonMDM's Avatar
So glad I'm single. Originally Posted by holmes50
Guest041817's Avatar lady didnt even have his phone she had the freakin phone record when she called me..she said well you and my husband have been texting back and forth for awhile..i was like lady i am from michigan I have no clue what your talking about...oh such a headache!!
I had a local lady i use to see once a week,she had a jealous boyfriend who would check her outgoing calls,he would always call my hobby phone and i would play dumb,then 10 minutes later she would call and apologize,and kind of laugh.I told her i did not think it was funny or kool,and the next time he called me i was going to tell him what she does on the side,well its been over 2 months and i have not heard from either one.Always play stupid and never admit anything
shorty's Avatar
Glad I'm also single. Yet I've had my share of crazy ass ladies calling me wanting to know when I was coming back over.
Guest041817's Avatar
well i played stupid for two days now while she kept texting me and well she got smart and googled my number..she says your an ESCORT??? I found your phone number on the internet..poor guys gonna get a ear full...I never answered her so he cant get mad at me.
Arverni's Avatar
I guess you can't even call him to give him a head's up he's about to lose his nuts.