Very Scary Our Commander In Chief Doesn't know how NATO works

Trump embarrassed the USA today by incorrectly tweeting the following:

Despite what you have heard from the FAKE NEWS, I had a GREAT meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Nevertheless, Germany owes....vast sums of money to NATO & the United States must be paid more for the powerful, and very expensive, defense it provides to Germany!

A former NATO ambassador had to correct Trump:
/ Sorry, Mr. President, that’s not how NATO works. The US decides for itself how much it contributes to defending NATO.
9:24 AM - 18 Mar 20172/
This is not a financial transaction, where NATO countries pay the US to defend them. It is part of our treaty commitment.3/ All NATO countries, including Germany, have committed to spend 2% of GDP on defense by 2024. So far 5 of 28 NATO countries do.
4/ Those who currently don’t spend 2% of their GDP on defense are now increasing their defense budgets. That’s a good thing.
5/ But no funds will be paid to the US. They are meant to increase NATO’s overall defense capabilities, given the growing Russian threat.
9:26 AM - 18 Mar 2017

Doesn’t Donald Trump have anyone close to him who can explain how the world works? He’s embarrassing the nation?
What's scary is Obama released terrorists from Gitmo and funneled money to their organizations.

What's scary is Obama released terrorists from Gitmo and funneled money to their organizations.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Stick to the topic please Jim- if you want to talk about Obama and terrorist start your own thread- you have a habit of deflecting from the topic.
LexusLover's Avatar
Stick to the topic please ... Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
The topic is what scares you!

The "you" would be LukeWarm!

Sorry you are scared that Trump's military advisers don't know how "NATO works"! I guess he should have nominated you, Luke Warm.

Aren't you the brain damaged, overweight, NonVet, who wraps himself in the flag as a defense to being called out for the lying, POS, dishonorable bullshitter who posts fake Reviews?
It's so scary, you shit yourself Cyst. Now put it between two slices of bread and eat it like Assup does.

Trump has surrounded himself with enough ex-military guys to know what is really going on.
Stick to the topic please Jim- if you want to talk about Obama and terrorist start your own thread- you have a habit of deflecting from the topic. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
I am not deflecting. I am just giving you something for you to gauge your fears on.

LexusLover's Avatar
It's so scary, you shit yourself Cyst. Originally Posted by gnadfly
He hasn't shit enough! He's still has around 300 lbs to go!
The topic is what scares you!

The "you" would be LukeWarm!

Sorry you are scared that Trump's military advisers don't know how "NATO works"! I guess he should have nominated you, Luke Warm.

Aren't you the brain damaged, overweight, NonVet, who wraps himself in the flag as a defense to being called out for the lying, POS, dishonorable bullshitter who posts fake Reviews? Originally Posted by LexusLover
So let me get this right stalker- you are now shifting blame to his military advisors who should know more than Trump how NATO works? This isn't the first time Trump has made this rhetoric- he's said it many times on the campaign trail.
What's scary is Obama released terrorists from Gitmo and funneled money to their organizations.

Jim Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin

lustylad's Avatar
Hey LubedAss... you need to change your thread title... it should say "Our Commander In Chief Knows How NATO DOESN'T WORK!"

Wanna see something "very scary"? NATO has 27 members, and 22 of them are free riders!

Did odumbo do anything about that?

Wanna bet the numbers will look a lot better by the end of Trump's first term?

Trump embarrassed the USA today by incorrectly tweeting the following:

Despite what you have heard from the FAKE NEWS, I had a GREAT meeting with German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Nevertheless, Germany owes....vast sums of money to NATO & the United States must be paid more for the powerful, and very expensive, defense it provides to Germany!

A former NATO ambassador had to correct Trump:
/ Sorry, Mr. President, that’s not how NATO works. The US decides for itself how much it contributes to defending NATO.
9:24 AM - 18 Mar 20172/
This is not a financial transaction, where NATO countries pay the US to defend them. It is part of our treaty commitment.3/ All NATO countries, including Germany, have committed to spend 2% of GDP on defense by 2024. So far 5 of 28 NATO countries do.
4/ Those who currently don’t spend 2% of their GDP on defense are now increasing their defense budgets. That’s a good thing.
5/ But no funds will be paid to the US. They are meant to increase NATO’s overall defense capabilities, given the growing Russian threat.
9:26 AM - 18 Mar 2017

Doesn’t Donald Trump have anyone close to him who can explain how the world works? He’s embarrassing the nation? Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
This is what you liberals and alt Left Propaganda Media want America to look like, go to California build your own country, that way you'll all be close to North Korea.

Hey LubedAss... you need to change your thread title... it should say "Our Commander In Chief Knows How NATO DOESN'T WORK!"

Wanna see something "very scary"? NATO has 27 members, and 22 of them are free riders!

Did odumbo do anything about that?

Wanna bet the numbers will look a lot better by the end of Trump's first term?

Originally Posted by lustylad
You are missing the point- let's assume they are free riders- because the former ambassador admits that some of them are not honoring the pledge- the MISTAKE Trump made is that those countries or the other NATO countries directly owe the United States when it's not drawn out that way- each country is suppose to spend 5 % of the GDP on military- TRump's tweet was as if each of the nATO countries owes the U.S a check- and he was dead wrong.
I have served in the military and done operations with NATO allies- Trump was wrong. Trump acts as if the U.S pays all of NATO's expenses.
This is what you liberals and alt Left Propaganda Media want America to look like, go to California build your own country, that way you'll all be close to North Korea.

Originally Posted by Cherie
How about you get a real job and pay taxes- you don't contribute one penny to any U.S program- give Uncle Sam his share- I don't even know why whores even comment in these forums when your sole income is illegal tax free income.
Hey LubedAss... you need to change your thread title... it should say "Our Commander In Chief Knows How NATO DOESN'T WORK!"

Wanna see something "very scary"? NATO has 27 members, and 22 of them are free riders!

Did odumbo do anything about that?

Wanna bet the numbers will look a lot better by the end of Trump's first term?

Originally Posted by lustylad
By the way Lusty- that chart has a huge outlier- keep in mind the United States spends more than 700 billion on the military- that's a figure that's more than the next 7 countries combines- the U.S perhaps spends more on it's military than the perhaps all of the other NATO nations combined- so by default our contribution to NATO is going to be somewhat higher than our NATO allies because of what respectively spend on defense.
The U.S. outpaces all other nations in military expenditures. World military spending totaled more than $1.6 trillion in 2015. The U.S. accounted for 37 percent of the total.

U.S. military expenditures are roughly the size of the next seven largest military budgets around the world, combinedU.S. military spending dwarfs the budget of the #2 country – China. For every dollar China spends on its military, the U.S. spends $2.77.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
How about you get a real job and pay taxes- you don't contribute one penny to any U.S program- give Uncle Sam his share- I don't even know why whores even comment in these forums when your sole income is illegal tax free income. Originally Posted by Luke_Wyatt
how much taxes did u pay on your dirty mafia money dicknose? this of course is if i believe you ever had anything to do with the mafia .. bahhaaa

as u should know u non-mafia idiot .. there's a concept called a shell company. all the crime families had fronts in which to "look" legit u dummy. i mean .. do u think Dion O"Banion had a flower shop because he liked orchids? bahaha