More Fake News! Trump is a good president

Munchmasterman's Avatar
How can you guys take this?
37% approval rating.
Now trump blames Fox for wiretap claim.

You're going to need the Jaws of Life to spread those cheeks far enough apart after a single year canuk-a-douche-bag. You'll be able to sit on a traffic control cone and not notice.
What an asshole. What a bunch of assholes.

President Donald Trump's job approval rating has dropped to 37%, while 58% of Americans disapprove of his performance so far as president, new Gallup figures show.
The approval ratings, Trump's worst since taking office two months ago, come as FBI Director James Comey is expected to tell lawmakers that there is no evidence for the President's unverified claim that former President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower during the election.

Trump's approval rating hovered in the mid-to-low 40s in the weeks following the beginning of his presidency.

Aside from the controversy over Trump's wiretapping claim, the latest poll numbers suggest growing dissatisfaction with his performance following the chaotic rollout of Republicans' plan to replace the Affordable Care Act and reaction to his travel ban that has faced stiff legal opposition.
Gallup tracks daily the percentage of Americans who approve or disapprove of Trump's job performance. The daily results are based on telephone interviews with about 1,500 national adults and have a margin of error of 3 percentage points.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
How can you guys take this?
37% approval rating.
Now trump blames Fox for wiretap claim.

You're going to need the Jaws of Life to spread those cheeks far enough apart after a single year canuk-a-douche-bag. You'll be able to sit on a traffic control cone and not notice.
What an asshole. What a bunch of assholes.

President Donald Trump's job approval rating has dropped to 37%, while 58% of Americans disapprove of his performance so far as president, new Gallup figures show.
The approval ratings, Trump's worst since taking office two months ago, come as FBI Director James Comey is expected to tell lawmakers that there is no evidence for the President's unverified claim that former President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower during the election.

Trump's approval rating hovered in the mid-to-low 40s in the weeks following the beginning of his presidency.

Aside from the controversy over Trump's wiretapping claim, the latest poll numbers suggest growing dissatisfaction with his performance following the chaotic rollout of Republicans' plan to replace the Affordable Care Act and reaction to his travel ban that has faced stiff legal opposition.
Gallup tracks daily the percentage of Americans who approve or disapprove of Trump's job performance. The daily results are based on telephone interviews with about 1,500 national adults and have a margin of error of 3 percentage points. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Well, BallLickingMaster opinion polls go up and down. You know like you do when your sucking on one of your rainbow flag waving friends cock.

The bottom line you still have 1400 more days of shrieking, and more than likely until 2024.
How can you guys take this?
... Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
How can you eat so many shit sandwiches? It's hilarious. Enjoy.

How can you eat so many shit sandwiches? It's hilarious. Enjoy.

Originally Posted by gnadfly
he's like a dog he pukes after the first one, that way he gets to enjoy it again
Manassmucher explores his sammich options...

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
fake news!
How can you guys take this?
37% approval rating.
Now trump blames Fox for wiretap claim.

You're going to need the Jaws of Life to spread those cheeks far enough apart after a single year canuk-a-douche-bag. You'll be able to sit on a traffic control cone and not notice.
What an asshole. What a bunch of assholes.

President Donald Trump's job approval rating has dropped to 37%, while 58% of Americans disapprove of his performance so far as president, new Gallup figures show.
The approval ratings, Trump's worst since taking office two months ago, come as FBI Director James Comey is expected to tell lawmakers that there is no evidence for the President's unverified claim that former President Barack Obama wiretapped Trump Tower during the election.

Trump's approval rating hovered in the mid-to-low 40s in the weeks following the beginning of his presidency.

Aside from the controversy over Trump's wiretapping claim, the latest poll numbers suggest growing dissatisfaction with his performance following the chaotic rollout of Republicans' plan to replace the Affordable Care Act and reaction to his travel ban that has faced stiff legal opposition.
Gallup tracks daily the percentage of Americans who approve or disapprove of Trump's job performance. The daily results are based on telephone interviews with about 1,500 national adults and have a margin of error of 3 percentage points. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Goes to show ya the nature of our political system. Clinton wins the popular vote, but still can't find her way to the Oval office. Trump's approval rating is on a steady decline. This week it's at 37% , next week it will be 35%, and Pop Tart eating fucks like you squawk about it. It's all in the scheme of things. Go eat another Pop Tart the sugar rush will make ya feel better.

lustylad's Avatar
How can you guys take this?
37% approval rating. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Not so fast, dickmuncher. Your favorite lib-retard news source, Politico, last measured Trump's approval rating at 52%, not 37%. Care to explain? Or do you just cherry-pick the polls, like you cherry-pick those dingle-berries you munch from the ass cheeks of your Austin Reacharound Crew buddies?

Not so fast, dickmuncher. Your favorite lib-retard news source, Politico, last measured Trump's approval rating at 52%, not 37%. Care to explain? Or do you just cherry-pick the polls, like you cherry-pick those dingle-berries you munch from the ass cheeks of your Austin Reacharound Crew buddies?

Originally Posted by lustylad
Mebbe his vision was " impaired " from having been the pivot man at the last reach around crew bukakke MEATing ? ! The crew sure does love their " facials " !
bamscram's Avatar