SubSpace.....What it means to you.....

Ms. Athena's Avatar
I use the word SubSpace when describing many of my sessions and have been asked to explain it. This is hard for me as I have never been so lucky as to experience it. I have ask all that have gone there through me to tell me their experience. I have also done many hours of research to be able to understand it better myself so I can help other reach it and enjoy.....
Here is a quote from another which I wanted to pass on..........

Considering it's really stemming from a physiological reaction to the over production and release of chemicals in the brain and body (adrenaline, seratonin, dopamine, endorphins), anyone can experience it.

It's something that occurs from many ways of "making" the body overproduce those chemicals. Emotionally, and physically.

It manifests for people in a LOT of different ways. It can be a spacey floaty feeling, or it can be a heightened set of senses, everything becomes crystal clear and hyper-focused.

And lots of people experience it in a spectrum in between. Some people experience it from pain. Some people experience it from a touch, or a word, a trigger that sends them there, almost like a meditative or trance-like state. Some people get it from experiencing the doing to another and the reactions they get from the doing to another.............

I for one have only ever taking ones there through over stimulation of pure pleasure, Im just not into the pain side of things. Thus said many have quoted "Its better then sex"............
I am so jealous and wish to experience this myself............These are just my thoughts and experiences..............

Anyone have any other thoughts to add??
Satyrrical's Avatar
My all-time favorite lady (sadly for me retired) advertised as providing a tantric experience. As She is the only one I have seen who advertised as such, I am willing to say that that was what made being with Her unique. In a crude manly fashion, I would label it as cock worship, though Her mouth and tongue did visit other areas frequently.

If we could measure and graph physical pleasure, a normal orgasm, for me anyway, would look like a steep bell curve lasting a few seconds. Using Her exquisitely slow technique to bring me to orgasm repeatedly, there would be times where rather than peaking and fading the sensation of orgasm would continue. The pleasure graph of this orgasm would look like a tall plateau with a sawtooth top, where the small peaks of the sawtooth were mini-orgasms within an orgasm. These orgasms seemed to go on for several minutes while I clawed the bed, made insensible noises, and remained barely conscious. This state seems somewhat like what Ms. Athena describes.

It didn’t happen every time I popped with Her, but it happened regularly. I think the difference was that rather than slowing down as I came to milk it as most do (really no way to go any slower though), She just kept going at the same pace as if nothing had happened. Her only acknowledgement of my having cum would be a throaty moan around my cock that just added vibration to the whole event. By keeping the same pace, stimulation, and sensations going that brought me to orgasm while I was extra sensitive from orgasm, She would often push me into that condition of multiple orgasms, subspace, or whatever the Hell it was.

One of these days, I'll get back there.
Ms. Athena's Avatar
YES!!!! It is hard to embrace and explain from my side.........But teaching man that it dosent end with his Cum, But continues as he has O after O after O............Which when he trust and lets go will lead him to SubSpace............I dont stop with the Cum, I continue going and going passing through many stages of pleasure some so intense you wanna stop but cant as they feel so good......Using my mouth, my hands, my tits, and my toys to push you to higher levels of pure pleasure............
Teach me, Ms. A!
Ms. Athena's Avatar
I will do my best sugar...............
jimmycz's Avatar
Ms Athena you are until proven otherwise to me the BEST at this and never would have believed that it was even possble before being trained by you. As a matter of fact due to you patience, knowledge, and OMG practice you taught me amazing things. It was so thourough that I have now trained a couple of my favorite playmates the techniques.

I did learn early on that you have to, unlike your constant updates as to what you doing and what will happen, I have to talk before and after. Pretty damn hard, ok impossble to teach anything while going through 2 to 3 minutes of tantric orgasms and absolutely no way in hell to do anything when in subspace. If you have any interest in this what so ever then Ms Athena is as go as it gets! Thank you baby!!!!!!!
YES!!!! It is hard to embrace and explain from my side.........But teaching man that it dosent end with his Cum, But continues as he has O after O after O............Which when he trust and lets go will lead him to SubSpace............I dont stop with the Cum, I continue going and going passing through many stages of pleasure some so intense you wanna stop but cant as they feel so good......Using my mouth, my hands, my tits, and my toys to push you to higher levels of pure pleasure............ Originally Posted by Ms. Athena
Subspace goes on in his head.
It isn't sex...that is why most men go to Pro Dommes to achieve it.
Suck or blow all you want.
That won't get him into subspace.
It is a mind set a psychological bent.
Taking him where he needs to go into his head through psychological phrasing that hits those plateaus in his head.
Many years of psych classes in developmental and deviant behaviour.
I am amazing.
Satyrrical's Avatar
Then I guess I posted off topic and don't understand the term. I don't have a submissive (or dominant) bone(r) in my body. Those times I achieved a sustained orgasm (which is what I thought the term meant) were from the technique. But then my orgasm cycle has always been abnormal.

Wonder if Abe's going to bust me again?
From my experience it is a very deep state, it is more like being hypnotized and being in some other world lol.
When in SubSpace, i tend to take more pain than i usually can take and become submissive to the lady i am with, however how long does it take to be in that state depends on the lady i am with and the level of dominance she is exerting. For me achieving this state is what i look for in any session because it is very relieving.