Somebody explain

ftime's Avatar
  • ftime
  • 06-29-2012, 11:15 AM
First, I'm certainly not implying anything negative with this post. I just don't understand something. I have had a friend for many years, who is now a DOM. We talk about it and are completly open about it. Even let her tie me up once. That isn't happening again. Just not my thing. We didn't talk for a month after that.

But something I found very strange is the level of protection she used. I kinda understand the latex gloves. But double or triple latex gloves. But covering the instruments with single or double condoms? Is that normal? I guess my view is if you use good sterilization techniques on a latex toy - it seems redundent.

Also she contends what she does is completly legal. She, at the clients request asked me to view a session and play with her. What she did didn't seem to be legally ok. Although in fairness, she did hurt him mainly, but did enter his body in what appeared to be a sexual act. What she and I did was consenual - no money - does dinner count.

So is this normal and correct? Again, sorry for my ignorence. Just curious about it.
rand's Avatar
  • rand
  • 06-29-2012, 12:30 PM
Regarding sterilization, you are correct that the instrument could be sterilized if you have the proper equipment / procedures. There are two downsides to this:
1. Sterilizing latex reduces its shelf-life
2. Without condoms, you are trusting the DOM's sterilization procedures. That's more trust than most (sane people) are willing to provide.

Kudos to you for trying something out, even though it wasn't your thing.
In most areas what is legal or illegal regarding sex acts is extremely specific and, in some areas, BDSM sessions can technically be legal because the activities happening are not thing there are written laws against.

Ex: I can offer a foot worship session and even insert my entire foot in a mans anus and this can be something he enjoys and finds sexual pleasure in and pays me for but there is no law (last I checked) against this or defining this as a sexual act. I guess if caught in the act one could be charged with "crimes against humanity"

For a more vanilla example, there are some people who really enjoy having their hair shampooed at the salon. Like, REALLY enjoy it - to a point of ejaculation. Obviously the stylist will be paid for her services, but a LEO could hardly argue that prostitution took place, right?

Hope that helps
Shoving your foot up a guy's ass would constitute a sexual act in the state of Texas I believe. (Have to ask ShysterJon for his opinion, but the law is pretty broad in that regard.)

I think a lot of what a DOM does would meet the standard for a sex act, and if money is exchanged, the line is crossed in Texas.

As far as a couple performing sex acts for a voyeur, not sure where that lies. Since the poster received no financial compensation, and let's face it, if buying dinner for a sex partner is prostitution, then we all are going to jail, I think he could skate by.

Anytime someone is penetrating an orifice of another, I think you crossed the line in Texas unless it is a medical procedure. (That cute blonde doctor who shoved her fingers up my rear to check my prostrate a few weeks ago sure got paid well by my insurance company, and she insisted that this nurse come in and watch her do it.)

Exceptions might be tongue kissing (mouth to mouth only, no daty/dato) and maybe shoving a finger down someone's throat.

As far as sterilization, I am not sure there is enough bleach, steam, and chemicals to make me comfortable with shoving toys in me when I don't know where they have been before.
ftime's Avatar
  • ftime
  • 06-29-2012, 02:22 PM
My take away thus far: condoms on a toy make sense and penetration in the state of TX "might" be illegal. I thought that. BTW we aren't talking feet (gross - sorry) but a strap on which is not part of a women's body. I kinda of knew the buying dinner answer - but I agree. Any DOMs in - Houston in particular want to chime in on the topic? I would guess Dallas would be similar - not by enforcement, but by general law.
Um, I...I dont actually shove my feet in men's asses. I apologize for the graphic example, lmao.
Inserting a foot in the anal region is one million percent ILLEGAL in Texas. Sodomy laws in Texas are very clear on this.
someone once tried to shove a latex stocking foot up my ass.........definitely not what I wanted nor envisioned when I said I wanted my limits stretched
Legal or not. BDSM sessions are for the most part abnmormal. One can say" to each his own", but for me that has always been a copout statement. I think society is to use to the idea that people engage in this sort of play and that it's ok if thats what turns you on. I wonder why a person would find BDSM with all the latex suites, implements whips and what not to be sexually appealing. I have to agree with the OP on being tied up definitely not my scene either. Some sexual practices get a bit extreme and one should evaluate themselves of why certaim extreme behavior would be sexually gratifying without an actual conventional sex act involved.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Here's another one of those threads where somebody posted about their 'friend.' Again I ask: Why is it when somebody posts about something, er, unusual, it's never about them but always a 'friend.'

Someone told me playing Devo with your private parts is perfectly legal. Or course, that person was behind a plexiglass window at Sterrett at the time. Haha.

To answer tigercat's question: Yes, in Texas, shoving your foot up a person's ass for money could be prostitution, unless it's Dick Ferry's ass your foot is up while you're kicking him down the state capitol steps. Then it would be medal-worthy.
hrlee's Avatar
  • hrlee
  • 06-30-2012, 02:55 PM
Remind me to Shampoo Danielle's lovely hair for her.
ftime's Avatar
  • ftime
  • 06-30-2012, 03:11 PM
Well - she is my friend. And you only need to look at my reviews to know what I am into. I have seen her on a non- paid social basis, for ten years. Except for the one time - where she bound my my wrists behind me and hit my ass with a cane so it stung. Well ....there was the prostate massage/BJ.....

With that out of the way - My Friend keeps telling me that what she does is completly legal. She does stap-ons, prostate masage, uses whips, urinates on men etc., for money.

In Texas one cannot consent to assault. So if she had consensually used a bullwhip on you, and you later changed your mind regarding the play and reported her to the police, she would most likely be arrested for assault and battery. In that sense its much like someone having consensual sex and then changing their mind and reporting it as rape.

It's up the DA to prosecute. But as the letter of the law stands, you can't consent to getting the shit beat out of you. There are exceptions, of course, such as sporting events. But as far as BDSM play goes, you had best know who you are playing with and something about them.

As far as using multiple condoms...if you were the receiver I'm sure the feelings weren't terribly different. And someone being anal (pardon the pun...) about safety and sexual play... that's an awfully good person to know!
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Although I am not an attorney, penetration of anything and/or anywhere for renumeration is illegal.
Inserting a foot in the anal region is one million percent ILLEGAL in Texas. Sodomy laws in Texas are very clear on this. Originally Posted by Maitresse Renee
Penetration with dildos for money is illegal.
Penetration is the key word.