help me please

Why do i keep getting into trouble with yall for commenting on a forum? I understand the first okay. But im new so why couldnt i comment on it without getting in trouble?! So frustrating. Also how do i send a link for my reviews, also where is the link?
Duke of G's Avatar
You should begin your stay here by reading the rules. If you want to be successful here, it requires you do the work.

"Getting in trouble" is part of not reading the rules and abiding by them. You were given a warning, then given points for violating ad guidelines. If you broke the rules, its your fault, not the staff. We understand you are new, and that the site can be complex, but you were given guideance. You even have vouches/assistance from other providers familiar with ECCIE.

So, take some responsibility for your own business. Treat this site like a business, and abide by the rules, and it's sure to be an asset.