Leno Pounds Obama on Benghazi-Gate

Leno Pounds Obama on Benghazi-Gate


by Christian Toto 31 Oct 2012, 6:11 AM PDT 27post a comment
Jay Leno of "The Tonight Show" abides by a simple comedy credo: "Write joke. Tell joke. Collect check."

You can add two more items to his list - "Read headlines. Ignore party affiliation."
While David Letterman used his Monday night telecast to attack Republicans for trying to steal elections, an imaginary issue summoned from the far-left fever swamps, Leno is reading actual headlines for inspiration.
Last night, he let loose on President Barack Obama for his role in Benghazi-Gate.
“Well, ‘Don't Ask, Don't Tell’ is back - not for gays in the military. It's President Obama's new policy for questions about Libya. Don't ask, don't tell."
Leno also chided the Obama campaign for Lena Dunham's ridiculous ad comparing your "first time" to voting for Obama.
“Have you seen that new Obama campaign ad that equates voting with sex? It’s kind of clever. It uses innuendo to try and woo young female voters.”
“Like one line says,” he continued, “'Your first time shouldn't be with just anybody. It should be with a great guy who really understands women.’"
“But, on the other hand, if it is your first time, you might want to do it with someone who doesn't need eight years to get the job done. That's all I'm saying. That's all I'm saying.”
Leno on Iranian Sanctions: 'If Anyone Knows How To Cripple an Economy It's Obama'

By Noel Sheppard | October 24, 2012 | 10:57
119 50Reddit1 30

As NewsBusters has been reporting, there has been a shift in recent months concerning late night hosts' willingness to make jokes about the current White House resident.
NBC's Jay Leno said a doozy on Tuesday's Tonight Show (video follows with transcript and commentary):
JAY LENO: One of President Obama's winning points last night was about how sanctions against Iran are crippling their economy. And believe me, if anyone knows how to cripple an economy it's President Obama.
This was by no means the first joke Leno has made about Obama in recent weeks.
His counterpart at CBS has even gotten into the act.
Prior to expressing his anger and discouragement with the President lying about Mitt Romney's position on the auto bailout during Monday's debate, David Letterman made a joke about people claiming Obama won on substance.
"Big deal," said Letterman. "Lance Armstrong won on several substances."
Makes you wonder if the late night hosts are beginning to recognize the President's shortcomings like much of the nation.
This comes in stark contrast to years of comedians refusing to satirize the current White House resident.
In fact, the President was so protected that Fox News's Greg Gutfeld commented in April, "Asking a comedian to make fun of Obama is like asking a priest to mock Christ."
Better late than never, I guess.

Leno: 'Hurricane Sandy Has Already Created More Jobs Than Obama Has'

By Noel Sheppard | November 01, 2012 | 08:59
890 402Reddit84 85

As NewsBusters has been reporting, Jay Leno has been hitting Barack Obama hard during his opening monologues lately.
On Wednesday's Tonight Show, the host once again took aim at the President's horrible economic record (video follows with transcript and commentary):
JAY LENO: Economists say rebuilding after Hurricane Sandy will give the ailing construction industry a huge boost. In fact, the storm has already created more jobs than President Obama has.
Ouch. That's gotta smart.

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sh...#ixzz2AzZuOuCV
Usual right wing crap did not use all of Leno's comment just took some out of context.Lena's ad was a you tube vid.
When late night comedians start hitting an issue; it generally means the MSM will follow.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Hmmmm, Choomley, I guess we finally found out who your hero is.