Vp harris

winn dixie's Avatar
Kamallah is rea)ly looking hot these days.
ICU 812's Avatar
Wait until she faces Nikky Haley as a VP candidate.

Which one will appeal to centrist-Undecided voters as the only functioning adult on the stage?
adav8s28's Avatar
Wait until she faces Nikky Haley as a VP candidate.
Originally Posted by ICU 812
Harris handled Mike Pence in debate. She will do the same against Nikki Haley.
adav8s28's Avatar
Lucas McCain's Avatar
Harris looks good for her age but that's not really a compliment coming from me because the women around where I live her age are so shot up with Botox that they look like human ducks that can't even smile.

I can't say much about Haley without turning this into an actual political discussion, but I will say that she is about the last person Trump would ever pick as his VP because she has called him out for being a clown many times. Anyway, that's a political off topic discussion for this sandbox worthy thread.
biomed1's Avatar
To Stay on the Original Topic . . .
winn dixie's Avatar
Lately Kamallah has gotten my attention. Has she changed something?
Gawd she's hot.
Hot??? If she were an escort, she would have to pay me!! And when she starts to cackle, its like fingernails on a blackboard, oops I mean chalkboard.
winn dixie's Avatar
Hot??? If she were an escort, she would have to pay me!! And when she starts to cackle, its like fingernails on a blackboard, oops I mean chalkboard. Originally Posted by onthemovie

Even with the cackle she's hot. And as an escort I'd say she was quite successful.
  • Typo
  • 06-25-2023, 09:39 PM
Kamallah is rea)ly looking hot these days. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Just don't pay a deposit
Just don't pay a deposit Originally Posted by Typo

... You should NEVER pay a deposit.

#### Salty
winn dixie's Avatar
For my new baby I'd give a deposit and tip. Kamallah is fine
Damn, WD, did you have a stroke or something.

I guess if ole “knee pads” wanted to give me a “blow & go”, I wouldn’t pass it up, because that is supposed to be her best attribute.
winn dixie's Avatar
Damn, WD, did you have a stroke or something.

I guess if ole “knee pads” wanted to give me a “blow & go”, I wouldn’t pass it up, because that is supposed to be her best attribute. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Just lately she has started to look very hot to me
Well, they have managed to find something lower than Kamala’s poll numbers.
