Senile Biden's Gestapo Strikes Again

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Pro-Life Speaker and Author Mark Houck Was Arrested After FBI SWAT Team Raids Home with Guns Drawn in Front of ‘Screaming’ Children in Bucks County, PA

A 25 man SWAT team was used to arrest a pro life speaker.
They held his wife and children at gunpoint.
Meanwhile Epstein was allowed to surrender after getting off his private jet.

Senile Biden and his gestapo (aka DOJ and FBI) are all shit-stains on America.

And Josh Shapiro has said nothing - this is the PA he wants
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Jacuzzme's Avatar
This is today’s democratic party. If someone disagrees with you or supports someone who does, throw them in jail. Historically, this is a REALLY bad idea, especially when you consider the type of people being jailed in comparison to their jailers.

Edit: Just fully read the article, that shit is fucking crazy. The FACE act (that nobody ever heard of)? They send 30 armed feds to his house because he supposedly pushed a guy that was getting in his kids face, a case that was already tossed out of court and the guy he pushed didn’t even pretend to be injured?

And they hurl Nazis labels at the other side. This has gotten way out of control.