New but interested in posting review and suggestions

Pilotdirk's Avatar
I'm new to the site and enjoy the great information. Don't know what happened to ASPD but I miss it in so many ways.

Anyway I'm looking to make a review and just haven't figured out how at this point. Can you help?

I was reviewing the Provider Adds and AMP posting an I realized what would be great would be a full view like Backpage where you don't have to go back each time and just scroll through the provider adds. Is that possibe here? If so let me know.

How many reviews do you have to do and how often to keep preminum membership and do you have to request an upgrade after the reviews. Thanks and really appreciate the site.

I read some of the IT section and boy I didn't have any ideal it was difficult to keep a site like this up and going. Pilotdirk
Pilotdirk one feature to try is when looking at ads and you see one that intrests you look at the left and see if they have a showcase. In the showcase should be all you need.